Day in the Life

Sep 27, 1889

Journal Entry

September 27, 1889 ~ Friday

27. I signed 32 Recommendations I received ^16 16^ Letters
I wrote 1 Letter. I went to the farm 6 Mile


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Letter from J. H. Laine, 27 September 1889
Salt Lake City, President Wilford Woodruff, My Dear Sir: The celebrated Gilmore Band, of New York City, contem- plates giving a series of musical festivals on the Pacific Coast. While en route they wish to give a grand Territorial festival in this city. There is not a building suitable for this festival except the Tabernacle, and I most respect- fully request that you permit it to be used for this musical jubilee. J H Laine— General Manager Gilmore Jubilee Festivals. We the undersigned resp ectfully recommend that Mr. P. S. Gilmore be per- mitted to use the Large Tabernacle for his grand musical festivals, it being the only suitable building in the Territory for that purpose. John E Dooly John M. Zane C. S. Varian O. W. Powers. Remington Johnson Co P H Lannan Arthur L. Thomas. Elijah Sells H. S. Krouse Dan H. Calder


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Wilford receives revelation on politics and polygamy; will not trade religion for statehood.

Sep 27, 1889