Day in the Life

Nov 27, 1889

Journal Entry

November 27, 1889 ~ Wednesday

27 I signed 20 Recommends I received 15 Letters
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 4 Letters

I attended a Bank Meeting was full of Business

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Letter from Hugo Dewald, 27 November 1889

Reverend first President and Head of the Church of Jesus Christ. Electrified by the deep philosophical thruth's of your religious system, especially in the spirit of the genial "Pratt," I would desire today (although a Catholic at present) to be batized ^into^ and to unite myself with the Church of J. C. of L. D. Saints. I am 28 years of age, unmarried, the son of a pretty somewhat wealthy pair of people of the middle classes, who are yet living. I am from Pressburg, Hungary, and in consequence of the circumstances of my parents, as also in consequence of a considerable heirship, which fell to me 5 years ago, I have been living entirely independent. This independency I have used to train my mind systematically and store with universal knowledge.

Letter from George Skinner, 27 November 1889

President Willford Woodruff. Dear Brother. I recived your communication last night. I accept the appointment and With the help of the Lord will fill it to ^the^ best of my ability. I will be in Salt Lake at the time specified if I can turn produce into cash to pay my way. With kind regards I remain your Brother in the, Gosple George Skinner Peter. O. Peterson Bishop OK L J n

Letter from George Skinner, 27 November 1889

Geo Skinner Safford

Letter from John King, 27 November 1889

John King Millville Rcd Nov 29 [18]89 Millville November 27 [18]89 President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Yours of the 23rd received last evening wherein I am asked If it is agreeable with me to accept a Mission My answer is that I am willing to Labor where Gods servants direct to the Best of my ability having the Privilage of suggesting what Feild I would like to Labor in England would be my choice It being the land of my Birth that i left some thirty years ago


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford receives revelation on politics and polygamy; will not trade religion for statehood.
Church membership 188,000; Utah Territory 210,779; population of 44 United States. 62,948,000.

Nov 27, 1889