Day in the Life

May 24, 1890

Journal Entry

May 24, 1890 ~ Saturday

24 Saturday I spent the day at the farm in helping to
make a 6 foot light board fence I sawed in two
1000 feet of Boards & placed them in position to be
nailed on [FIGURE] 6 mile


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Letter from Lawrence Christian Mariger, 24 May 1890
Kanab, Kane Co., Utah, President Wilford Woodruff and Counsellors, Dear Brethren, I do not know what condition the Church may be in for funds. I have many times been impressed to write to you, and letting you know, that all, that the Lord has given into my care, is subject to your order, to be used as you may desire, either all, or a part. My means are not what would be called great, but considering that I came here in 1860, an orphan child, 11 years of age, (my mother dying on the plains,) the Lord has sure- ley been good to me. He blessed me with a two year mission in Scandinavia, and blessed me with Wives and Children, com- fortable Homes, Cattle and Horses, and other Worldly goods. It is all in the Kingdom, and your suggestions, regarding Deeds or Transfer will be with pleasure regarded. I am Your Brother in the Gospel Lawrence C. Mariger


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May 24, 1890