Day in the Life

May 28, 1890

Journal Entry

May 28, 1890 ~ Wednesday

28 I signed 39 Recommends I received 20 Letters
I wrote one Letter to Phebe Snow upon valley House Lot


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Snow, Phebe Amelia Woodruff
4 Mar 1842 - 15 Feb 1919
346 mentions


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Letter from Melissa Miller, 28 May 1890

San Francisco Thus saith the Lord unto you my servant Wilford Woodruff: Behold I send a messenger unto you who will prophesy unto you as Marian did unto the children of Israel. She is a prophetess of God, and will prophesy to my people truths that will gladden their souls. Receive her with thanksgiving and praise unto me, for great things are coming unto my people here in Utah. Great changes are coming to them, for the Lord will now comfort Zion and bring joy and gladness unto her sorrowing ones. The prayers of my people have come up unto me, and I come down with power and glory to answer those prayers. To bring deliverance unto the captives, and to bless the servants who hold my priesthood. They too shall be blessed with the baptism of the Holy Ghost from on high quickening their perceptions to teach my people aright; for ye are my chosen people whom I have brought through great tribulation to this desert land and you have caused it to blossom as the rose, through great suffering, diligence, and patience in well doing, which is pleasing in my sight. This messenger that I send unto you is a chosen

Letter from William Henry Young, 28 May 1890

Denver Pres W. Woodrooff S. L. C. Uthah Dear Brother As my inpressions are, at this time to say the following be for you & ask your desision 1500 acres of Land as been given to me to sell By a lady by the name of Mrs E Johns, of Bolton Missippy, & as I deasire if Possible for the church to handle it the following is the discripsion of the Land as given to me By the lady Her self

Letter from George Teasdale, 28 May 1890

President W. Woodruff & Council. Dear Brethren: On Saturday the 24th inst a company of emigrants left Liverpool per S. S. Wisconsin Elder John H. Hayes, of Spanish Fork, in charge, with Henry Tilley as his first and Thomas D. Brown his second counsellors. H. H. Shurtliff, Lewis Hunt, E. B. K. Ferguson, Orson Hic- ken returning missionaries and Joseph Eckersley a local missionary who has been in the field about two and a half years; he is the secretary for the company. Besides the eight missionaries there were 114 souls 122 total 77 adults & 25 halves. It was composed of British and Hollanders. President F. A. Brown came in with the emigrants from Holland some 22 souls. We read in the daily papers that it was the inten- tion of the government to raise the point of the "Mormons" being contract laborers when the next batch of "Mormons" arrived so I wrote to Mr Ten- broeck on the subject. Your telegram came safe and was attended to. Prest Brown informs me he has written you about missionaries. By one of the returning missionaries he sent you a copy of the Book of Mormon in Dutch

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Go Cash to Go, on Buggy 10


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May 28, 1890