Day in the Life

Jun 4, 1890

Journal Entry

June 04, 1890 ~ Wednesday

4. I signed 47 Recommends I received 25 letters
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 8 Letters 5 pub[lic] & to David P Bleak & Atkins
I met with the Bank board And I had many
interviews with Parties to day I met with Joseph
Walter Dittrich
who had apostized & written against
us & wanted to retrack & write for the Church I spent
the night at the farm I was troubled with kidney ^complaint^ 6 Mile


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Letter from Powel Powelson, 4 June 1890

Recd June 6 Accepts Mission Goshen, June 4, [18]90. Prest. Wilford Woodruff, Dear Bro: I received my notice to go on a mission to Scandi- navia. It was quite unexpect- ed; but I feel like responding to the call if I can get the necessary means to go with but I do not know where they are coming from at present; but I will try and arrange things the best I can. There is prospects of the grass-hoppers taking the crops here this year, but if I get no further notice I will be there at the date mentioned in your letter

Letter to James Godson Bleak, 4 June 1890

Salt Lake City, U. T. . James G. Bleak, Dear Brother: I received your report of the work done in the Tem- ple at St. George for May, at the same time that we received the report from the Manti and Logan Temples. I am thankful that you are able to perform so much work in that Temple, considering the small population of the district and the length of time the Temple has been open. I think it a remarkably good work; in fact it is wonderful that we have had power to run three Temples as long as we have and have done so much, considering that earth and hell and wicked men and devils have been so strongly combined against us. How long we shall have this privileke the Lord only knows; but I am satisfied there is great rejoicing in the spirit world. Those who are presiding over our Temples, and those who are laboring therein, are doing a great and glorious work, in spite of all the pow- ers of darkness. My health is pretty good considering the flood of work, care and responsibility that are resting upon me; I am feeling the effects of age and this labor upon me. I am taking on a little too much flesh to feel comfort- able; I now weigh 180 pounds, which is 10 pounds too much, and more than I ever carried before; however I think I am getting along quite as well as I could ex- pect. Concerning the times I will say, we are passing through another

Letter from Antone C. Sorensen, 4 June 1890

Wilford Woodruff. Dear Bro. Your letter of 30 ult. at hand and contents noted particular. Will say in answer, I will be ready to proform the mission which I am called to preform. to the best of my ablility, "God being my helper." Espect me to call at the office the day quoted in your letter Your Brother in the Go[s]pel, Antone. C. Sorensen James Yorgason Bp O.K. J. F. S.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Cash to Emma $10, Sundries 5 15


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Frank H. Dyer resigns as receiver under accusations of malfeasance of Church property and is replaced by Henry W. Lawrence.

Jun 4, 1890