Day in the Life

Jun 7, 1890

Journal Entry

June 07, 1890 ~ Saturday

7. I spent the day at the farm


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Letter from George Lionel Farrell, 7 June 1890
Prest. Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother: Your Very Kind Letter containing Order for Three thousand Dollars, appropriated to the Smithfield Tabernacle has been duly received on Yesterday, and we cannot feel too grateful to you for your kindness in listening to our petition. You have no conception how thankful and pleased I was at receiving it, for I have been so very anxious about the matter and prayed so earnestly that the Lord would open up our way to go to and complete
Letter from George Teasdale, 7 June 1890
President Wilford Woodruff & Council: Dear Brethren: A company of Saints from the Scandinavian & Swiss & German Missions left Liverpool today per Guion S. S. Wyoming in charge of Elder Erastus C. Willardson, with Elders James Poulsen as his first and Henry Wintch as his second coun- sellors, and J. M. Sjodahl clerk and recorder. The names of the other missionaries returning are as follows—Elders John Dahlquist from the Scandinavian, and Henry Brandley, Godfrey Lienhard, Angus J. Cannon, Wm L. Hansen, & Fredk Inebrint from the Swiss & German Mission John J. Carlson from the Scandinavian and John Hays from the British Mission. 12 returning missionaries in all, 170 souls from Scandinavia, 94 from Swiss and German 8 from Holland and 8 from the British Mission Total 292 souls. 169 full and 52 half fares. We telegraphed you this evening and called for 2000 dollars to be sent to Mr. Tenbroeck. The returning Missionaries and Saints were very comfortably situated. Last Sunday I attended a very good Conference in London which was well attended. I am satisfied a good work is being 169 + 52 = 221
Letter from Charles William Stayner, 7 June 1890
Washington D.C. . Presidents Woodruff, Cannon & Smith: Salt Lake; Utah; Dear Brethren: I have great pleasure in acknowledging the receipt of your kind and instructive letter, and in saying that it gave me courage in my labors in the Pennsylvania and Indiana Conferences, from which I have just returned. The Pennsylvania Conference was held at an out of the way place called Porter's Falls in the Northern part of W. Virginia, eight or ten miles away from any town or railroad, and a long distance from where any of the Saints reside. The brethren chose this place for several reasons which seemed good to them, first a schoolhouse could be got there, the sheriff and others being quite friendly to us; and second, the people there had expressed a desire to have us hold a Con- ference among them, and promised to turn out and hear the preaching. It seemed


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Frank H. Dyer resigns as receiver under accusations of malfeasance of Church property and is replaced by Henry W. Lawrence.

Jun 7, 1890