Day in the Life

Aug 21, 1890

Journal Entry

August 21, 1890 ~ Thursday

21 we took carriages with 3 Gentlemen who owned
the ranch & rode through their meadow land & grounds
we travelled 6 mils South 3 East 6 North to the place of
Begining this was in Zapota ranch. This company
claimed 80000 Acres Smith & Hammond claimed
in their purchase 22,480 Acres including a large
forest of timber & Heard grounds & 500 Head of
cattle and 7 strems of water


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Hammond, Francis Asbury
1 Nov 1822 - 27 Nov 1900
Smith, Silas Sanford
20 Oct 1830 - 11 Oct 1910
57 mentions


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Letter from Isaac Smith, 21 August 1890
Logan, Utah, Prest. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother Bro: Rosenkrantz refered to in Bro. Bakers letter is a member of my ward, (7th) as far as I know he is a good man, his desire is to vist his natizve land to see his relatives and friends and also as far as he can preach the Gospel to the people. He tells me he has means to pay his fare over and back and during his stay in the old country. He desires if agreeable to your fealings to be set apart as other missionaries are, and go with them
Letter from Abraham Owen Woodruff, circa 21 August 1896
Salt Lake City, Prest. Wilford Woodruff Dearest Father: Your kind letter of the 18th just to hand; have delivered the enclosed letters and all are delighted to hear such good news from you. Letters from yourself and Ma were received from Portland but I did not know where to write to. Have ordered the papers sent to you which I hope you will receive. We have enjoyed a deluge on a small scale the last few days it having rained terrificly; a "ground soaker and a Gulley-washer". All are quite well now although Alice and little Emma have been under the weather for a day or two. All is moving smoothly


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Frank H. Dyer resigns as receiver under accusations of malfeasance of Church property and is replaced by Henry W. Lawrence.
Majority of members of the Church attending General Conference sustain the Manifesto.

Aug 21, 1890