Day in the Life

Oct 1, 1890

Journal Entry

October 01, 1890 ~ Wednesday

Oct 1. I signed 2538 Recommends I received 15 Letter
I wrote one letter to Phebe Snow I Attended the
Bank Board meeting I had interviews with
many men


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34 mentions

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Letter from J. Frank Pickering, 1 October 1890

Payson, Utah, . Prest. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Dear Bro, In connection with the Young Men's Associations in this district, comprising Payson, Sp. Fork, Santaquin, Goshen, Salem, and a few smaller towns, we propose to publish a small weekly paper in the interest of the Improvement Association work, to distribute in the meetings and to encourage non-members to take an interest in the associations. What do you think of the plan and can you give us a word or two of encouragement to aid us in the matter? Your bro in the gospel, J Frank Pickering, mgr.

Letter from Irvin Frederick Fisher, 1 October 1890

Recd Oct 3. Accepts Mission Irvine T Bountiful, Davis Co., Utah. Oct. 1 [18]90. Pres. Wilford Woodruff: Dear Brother, I received notice a few days ago that my name has been suggested and accepted as a missionary to the Sandwich Islands; and that I am ex- pected to leave San Francisco on Nov. 15th next, if I accept the call. In reply, I have only to say that I do accept the call willingly; for I know of no good reason why I should not. My only desire being that I may, by the assistance of my heavenly Father, prove myself a worthy and an efficient labor- er in in this Great Work—the spread of the Gospel of

Circular to the YMMIA officers, October 1890

Religious - Salt Lake Herald Editorial, 1 October 1890

THE DECLARATION. The declaration by President WOODRUFF called out by the lying report of the Utah commission is exciting general comment in the American press. Some editors, those who are disposed to be fair, treat the mat- ter in the proper spirit, accepting the de- claration as authoritative, and regarding it as furnishing conclusive proof that polyga- mous marriages have been discontinued. Others—and these are the ones who will believe nothing good concerning the Mor- mons—discuss President WOODRUFF'S frank and emphatic declaration as if it were put forth to deceive. Of this class is our unes- teemed local contemporary. It is hardly worth while to attempt to convince them. They will not permit themselves to be con- vinced. They will not believe their own eyes. The Denver News discusses the de- claration and the situation with intelli- gence, vigor and fairness. The News has not always been so just and clear as in the following leader, which we republish en-

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Cash $25 for Oct & Cash $25 50

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

paid for sondries {shorthand} 25

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Frank H. Dyer resigns as receiver under accusations of malfeasance of Church property and is replaced by Henry W. Lawrence.
Majority of members of the Church attending General Conference sustain the Manifesto.
Wilford inaugurates weekday religious education classes for elementary school-aged children (precursor to seminary and institute programs).

Oct 1, 1890