Day in the Life

Oct 7, 1890

Journal Entry

October 07, 1890 ~ Tuesday

Oct 7. I signed 32 recommends I receivd 16 Letters
I met with the Presidents of Stakes upon general
principles then met with the sugar company

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Letter from William Gee Jr., 7 October 1890

Recd Oct. 10. Fayette Sanpete Co. Utah Oct. 7, 1890. President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother, I write you in Regard to your Manifesto concernning the rReport of the Utah Commission and Poly- gamy (so called) there Has Been considerable contention among Mem bers of the Church and as A Ward Teacher I have been asked the following questions and many others, do you Believe that we have given up the Practice or do you think it is done for Effect in order to get Statehood for Utah. I have answerd Like this that I Believed that as A Princeble of the gospel and Beleif that it was Just as good as Ever. But that the united States goverment had Passed A Law fordbiding the Practice of the same

Letter from Conrad Thunstrom, 7 October 1890

Chicago, Ill., To the Superintendent of the Mormon church — Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Sir: Myself and some of my friends desire to obtain some information about the mormon church and do hereby respectfully ask you to kindly send us some pamphlets, constitution, or the like (under sealed cover). Is a man allowed to have more than one wife? and on what conditions? If a man is allowed to have more than one wife, how is it then that some men, as we sometimes see in the newspapers, are prosecuted

Letter from Charles William Mann, 7 October 1890

President Wilford Woodruff Yours of the 2 to and will say that I cheerfully respond to the call and shall bee on and at the time appointed I Remine your Brother in the Gosple C W Mann ^Mann^ I can truly endorce the name of C. W. Mann as a missonary J H Grant Bp Good. J. F. S.

Letter from William Willison, 7 October 1890

Pocatello President Woodruff Dear Brother. In answer to the call that has been on me to go as a Missionary to great Britain. I would say that so far as i am personaly concerned i would like very much to respond to the call. But i have a larg famly i have six children and my wife i expect will ade one more to the famly in about two mounths. my wife has Just Been Baptized into the church this summer and is not as strong in the faith yet as she might ^be^ and to leave hir without aneyy suport i do not think she would stand the teast, as it takes me at present nearly every Dollar i can make to suport my famly and we have nothing on hand

Letter from Karl Gottfried Maeser, 7 October 1890

Provo City, . President Wilford Woodruff Chairman General Board of Education. Dear Brother, In conformity with your instructions and those of the General Board as published in the Deseret News and date of June 11, exam- inations of Church school teachers were held at Gunnison, Cedar, Logan, Salt Lake, and Provo at the specified times. Records of pro- ceedings have been carefully kept and are respectfully submitted in accompanying book. Results thus far obtained show, that 15 Candidates have passed ^for^ the Primary Grade, 47 for the Intermediate Grade, and 3 as Specialists in Music. The Board of Examiners had held several consultations pre- vious to the appointed times for examinations, to decide upon the propositions and the general mode procedure, minutes of which deliberations have also been recorded in the book before you. Owing to the serious illness of Bro. Talmage, Bro. Benjamin Cluff jr. recently returned from Michigan University, acted, accord- ing to your instructions, as Assistant Examiner, taking spea- cial charge of the examination-exercises at Salt lake City, while Bro. Tanner conducted those at Logan, and I those at Gunnison, Cedar, and Provo, although attending also

Mission - Missionary Certificate for Harry Worley, 7 October 1890

in behalf of said Church. Wilford Woodruff Geo. Q. Cannon Jos. F. Smith First Presidency.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Receivd from Church for tithing 500

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Paid Cash for Tithig 500 [7] Paid ZCMI for Tithig 5 62

Discourse 1890-10-07

A Few Closing Remarks. President Woodruff arose and said he wished to say a few words to the Saints. He said that he had met a great many who had cursed the cause of God. He did not feel to curse any- one. His heart was drawn out towards God and the people. He had been sustained for over 57 years of his life as an apostle. He was sur rounded to-day by apostles, Saints, elders a[n]d the people of the liv[i]ng God, and he felt it wa[s] his privilege to bless all of them in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. President Woodruff then pronounced the benediction.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Majority of members of the Church attending General Conference sustain the Manifesto.
Wilford inaugurates weekday religious education classes for elementary school-aged children (precursor to seminary and institute programs).

Oct 7, 1890