Day in the Life

Nov 1, 1890

Journal Entry

November 01, 1890 ~ Saturday

Nov 1. I spent the day at the farm


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Letter from Richard Sedgwick, 1 November 1890

Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother. Received your notice of of the 28th inst. on the 31st. I am willing and will be ready to go on the day appointed. Your brother in the gospel, Richard Sedgwick. Chester Call (Bp)

Letter from Brigham Young Jr., 1 November 1890

42, Islington, Liverpool, . Prest. Elder W. Woodruff Dear Brother, There is pressing need for Elders in the missionary fields in these lands, and believing that you are acquainted with young men in the wards where you reside, who are financially and otherwise competent to fill good missions, we desire you to send such names to us as you can honestly suggest, so that we can present them to the Presidency and Missionary Committee in Zion for their consideration. Trusting that what you do will be quietly and properly done, so as not to create feeling when names are not acted upon, and awaiting a prompt reply, I remain your brother in Christ, BRIGHAM YOUNG.

Letter from W. C. Stewart, 1 November 1890

[sideways text] W. C. Stewart St Joseph. Rcd Nov 10 [18]90 $15000 [end of sideways text] St Joseph, Apache Co. A. T Novr 1st 1890 Prest. Wooruff. & Councel My Dear Bretheren I thought I would drop you a few lines hopeing That you are still safe In the hands of Ower Father & Son. Whoo watches over his faithful children. My prayer to God in the name of his Dear Beloved Son. All tho a poor exile has allways been offered up for you & Br Joseph. F. whoo I supose is still in exile. I can feel good, far all such as I have spent maney years, trying to serve god. In that way, Prest Young told me not to stay to long in one place. I have done so. Prest. Taylar wanted me to keep out of the way, as I & would Rais all Hell. & I should bee he[l]ped which he did. I started for A. T. got my leg mashed & lay 3 years under it 26 peices of bone came out of it. Then went to Buff City 2 years, then To Utah then to A. T. got kicked in the Back with a horse & went on criches 6 months. I am at presant layed up. I am trying to get Redy to go to Mexico, as

Letter from Brigham Young Jr., 1 November 1890

B. Young Liverpool Rcd Nov 20 [18]90 In re Missionary The First Presidency Dear Brethren: I have sent a copy of this document to the presi- dents of the Conferences, for quite a number of them have told me that there were plenty of ^Young^ men in their neighborhood ^at home^ who were just the men for a mission. Brethren you can see that my intention is good and I hope this will meet your minds. I will forward the list I make up from the reports, to you soon as possible. True we need men who will strike out into new fields, we ^have^ a very few in the mission who are determined to plow in old fields, and there are no saints to saupport that class. In some conferences I find that retaining drunken people in the church has, in one instance driven out a fairly good man and is baring respectable people who are favorably impressed with ^ the^ doctrines. When all means are exhausted and they persist in their drunkeness I have advised their being cut off. I find respecta- ble people in every Conference who are enquiring into the gospel. Just sunday in stockton on Tees strangers came in the evening ^to our meeting^ and one young man ^was heard to^ remarked as he went out the door at the close, "I could sit and listen all night to such talk as that,"—the first principles of the Gospel. Your Brother B. Y.

Letter from Karl Gottfried Maeser, John Nicholson, and George Reynolds, 1 November 1890

Salt Lake City, Utah, .

Letter from Henry Palmer, 1 November 1890

Wilferd Woodr^uff^ Dear Brother I see your Proclamation out to thee World. Two arise In thee Power of Isrels god to stamp out Lust In conection With the Laws of thee Land, and our Government and clense The Church once more for the Coming of Christ. You Babtised ^mee^ and my Brothe and ^our^ father and mother In England 13 of april 1840. and in 44, I stood in Nauvoo and Heard Br Joseph Last surmon of King Follets—who was crused to Death in a well—or thee North of the Steam Mill, at Nauvoo and all so Joseph Smith Preached ^is^ own Funeral Death thee same time, and Left is Blessing up on thee Camp—and Said to us Boyes—and Said I Die for you, and you shall Be Witnesses of mee to thee End of the World. and Now Brother Woodruff Is my time to say iff you Wish mee at aney time call on mee Through thee one in charge Joseph Smith and I will Be on Hand. Your Brother in Christ Henry Palmer Council Bluffs Pearce St 305 I crave Your Prayers in my ^Behalf^ yet I that I mig Be awitness in thiss glorious Work So Long Looked for.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

to Cash $5 to Meat $2 7

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Overpaid $10 10 40 Dr to Cash 6 Nellie Cr By rent for Nov. 5

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Majority of members of the Church attending General Conference sustain the Manifesto.
Wilford inaugurates weekday religious education classes for elementary school-aged children (precursor to seminary and institute programs).

Nov 1, 1890