Day in the Life

Nov 5, 1890

Journal Entry

November 05, 1890 ~ Wednesday

5 An arrow I was quite sick with a severe cold upon my
Lungs I did not go to the office spent the day at home


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Letter from Gottfried Eschler, 5 November 1890

Gottfried Eschler Garden City. In re mission Rcd Nov 14 [18]90 [end of sideways text] Garden City Rich Co Utah Nov 5th 1890 President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah. Dier Brother Last January I was called to go on a Mission to Swztzerland and Germany. I was told to start from Salt Lake City on Feb the 7th. I answered the Letter and said I would go but at the same time stated my Circumstances upon which I was honorably released. But Brother Wm. Budge told me that my Name would still be kept on the Missionary List and I should prepar myself to go as soon as I would be called gagain. Now I have done so and I am now better prepared than I was a year ago. My Familie is where I would like to leave them while I would be away on my Mission here in Garden City where they can attend Metetings and Sunday Schools although my Property is very Little and no wheres near to supply there wants, but with the help of the Lord and oure good Bishop they would get along allright. I can pay my debts allright but will have not much to spare unless I could sell some Horses of which I have three and good one's, and would rather not sell them. Now what I would like to know is this: I would like to go to the Colonies of Mexico in order to leave ^live^ in Peace surounded by all of my Familie of which I have been moore or less deprived in the last three years or more. I aslso think it is fully as good a Country to make a Living in or leave a Familie while gone abroad.

Letter from George Webb, 5 November 1890

Geo. Webb. Lehi. In re mission Rec' Nov 7 [18]90 Ans Nov 10 [18]90 [end of sideways text] To President Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro, Yours of Oct 31st to hand. In answer will say that I was somewhat surprised when I received yours, yet pleased indeed to learn that I had been thought worthy to go and preach the Gospel to the Nations. As you wish to know my feelings in regard to this matter I will state them in as few words as I possiablly can. My circumstances and condition are not as favorable at this time as I could wish. For a number of years past I have been trying to give my children (that is those who are old enough) as good an education as my limited means would afford. Beleaving it to be the duty of every parent to look well to the training of their children and to see that they have all the advantages of a good and true education, so that they can become useful and powerful in defending the cause of Zion both religiously and politically, so that they would be equal to any foe who should assail his rights. My family consist of 8 children 4 Boys and 4 girls one boy is married the remainer are at home that is they have not left our table. About 4 years ago my boy Walter S. became 17 years old and We started him to the B Y Academy, after he had been there one year we started Laura I. we kept them at the academy 2 years each

Letter from W. H. Evans, circa 5 November 1890

Rcd Ans Ans Nov 7 [18]90 Centerville Davis Co 1890 Pres Woodruff I received your leter dated Oct 2 a few days ago the leter being missent motifiying me of my mission to the northern states if no obsticuls were in the way I will say in reply I have a wife and seven children the oldest 14 years I have 3 Acers of land on the bench and half acher lot in this place also 2 cows and can rase means eneough to see my family through the winter I am derse[r]ving of senture to a certin extent that I am not beter prepared and qualifyed to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ

Letter from George C. Parkinson, 5 November 1890

Prest. Wilford Woodruff & Counselors Dear Brethren, Your circular of Oct. 28th in relation to church Schools and sug- gesting a method of laying before the Youth the principles of the Gospel &c. is received and contents examined with much interest and pleasure. I am satisfied the suggestions when made practicle, will produce excellent results. The matter will be taken up and received immediate attention in this Stake, and while engaged in this and other labors of like character We humbly crave an interest in your kind feelings and prayres. With kind regards and constant prayres for the welfare of Zion I am Your Colaborer Geo. C. Parkinson


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Majority of members of the Church attending General Conference sustain the Manifesto.
Wilford inaugurates weekday religious education classes for elementary school-aged children (precursor to seminary and institute programs).

Nov 5, 1890