Day in the Life

Aug 15, 1891

Journal Entry

August 15, 1891 ~ Saturday

15 We took cars & arived at Ogden at 8 ock

we arived at Salt Lake City at 10 ock 170 Miles
I spent 30 Minuts at the office then went to
the farm after looking over affairs at home in
company with owen I rode in a Buggy to Granite 18 m[iles]
& spent the night I found Emma & several of the family there


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jun 1904
642 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary
Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1038 mentions

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Letter from John Samuel Bingham, 15 August 1891
Auckland Prest. Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Brother: President Stewart and party arrived at Auckland on the 13th inst. all in good health having had a pleasant voyage. I shall travel with him one month in the districts adjacent to Auck- land before taking leave of the mission and the saints of the Lord for my home in Zion. By that time he will have a suffi- cient understanding of the affairs of the mission to take charge thereof. Elder Ephram Johnson of Brigham City of whom I previously made mention is still suffering and has lately made some disclosures in relation to his phys- ical condition of which I had been in igno- rance. His ailment is I think of such a na- ture as to warrant his release and return even though he retain sufficient strength to travel in his field of labor. He has reluctantly accepted his release, and will accompany me home next
Letter from William Spry and Jonathan Golden Kimball, 15 August 1891
Chattanooga, Tenn., President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother- Elder J. G. Kimball and I arrived here late on the night of 13th inst finding the affairs of the mission in a fairly prosperous condition and the health of the Elders with but a few exceptions good. We also found your letter relating to the sickness of Elder McDonald and would state in reply that arrange- ments were already being made for his return home If he can get through where is is now in time to leave for home with Elder Spry next week he will do so otherwise he will follow after. We have been needing Elders here to fill vacancies and supply the increasing demand for some time past but up to date none have arrived. Because of this we are placed at considerable of a disadvantage and if the remedy could be applied we should be very much pleased indeed. At present we are in want of 15 Elders and can use them immediately and we shall require 6 more about the 1st week

Aug 15, 1891