Day in the Life

Dec 28, 1891

Journal Entry

December 28, 1891 ~ Monday

28. I went to the Office to day I wrote to Sarah


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Woodruff, Sarah Brown
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
707 mentions


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Letter from John Parsons Middleton, 28 December 1891

Hamiltons Fort Prest. Wilford Woodroof Esq Dear Brother Yours of the 24th inst came duly to hand. Making A call on me as missionary to Great Britian, and in answer to the same, I will say if nothing happens of which, I do not know, I will be in Salt Lake City to start to comply with above call, by Date you mention in your Letter to me Your Bro. in the Gospel John Middleton Wm H Corry Bp O. K. J. F. S.

Letter from Marion Alonzo Lewis, 28 December 1891

Logan City . Dear Brother As you have asked to know my feelings and circumstances in regards to taking a Mission to Europe. I take the pleasure of informing you that it is consistent with my feelings. Altho my circumstances is not so good. But I will try and arange to bee ready by the 1st of May hoping you will Pardon me for Delaying this, so long, I remain your Brother in the Gospel. Alonzo Lewis All right. J. F. S.

Letter from Daniel Duncan McArthur, 6 January 1892

Santa Clara Pr. Mc Arthur Dear Brother As you requier us to make a statemen of the Brothren which schould be called as missionary to Switzerland & Germany, we will give you the fallowing names. Harmon Gubler is about 34 years old, we think he has sufficient means to go, and is a member of the 99 Quorum of Seventies, he has not much Education but is a good Place for him to lern. William Tobler is 25 year old he is a member of the same Quorum of Seventies, he is not well of in financies secamstances.

Letter from Daniel Duncan McArthur, 6 January 1892

Letter from James Richard Smurthwaite, 28 December 1891

Brigham City, Utah, Prests Wilford Woodruff, Geo Q Cannon, and Joseph F. Smith. Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brethern: It is with grateful feelings that I acknow ledge receipt of your esteemed and valueable favor of the 13th inst. It gives me great pleasure to write you that the lodge I wrote you about was not organized nor in my estimation will it be organized now. Please accept my thanks for your kindness in answering my letter, and for the information given I remain Your brother in the Gospel. James R Smurthwaite.

Letter from Peter Olaussen Johnson, 28 December 1891

Logan, Utah, To the first Presidency of the Curch of Jesus Christ of Laterday Sints Dear Brethren Having received your Nottification ^for to prepere myselve for a mission^ in Answer to the same iI can truly say that it is Agreeable to my Feeling and wold been Pleast to leav for Europe Early in 92 but under my Present circumstanses iI dont see how iI can, as iI in Conection wit two of my Brethren have youst stortet a Carpenter Busines, and are in debt for machinery witch ^Bill of Paymt^ vi [we] have to meat in the spring, and iI have a Fammely of 5 Children and a Wife to Provide for. And monny is Scharse, sve the sale iI wont feel Prepared to set at Present. iI thingk


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Wilford decides temple recommends will be signed by Bishops and Stake leaders only, not by Church president.

Dec 28, 1891