Letter from William Budge, 19 May 1892
President W. Woodruff
Dear Bro
I have made several trips
during the last six or eight months outside
of this Stake, but three specially in the interest
of the people part at least of such expence has some
times been met by those most concerned, but
I have thought it best now not to introduce
any claim that the people might think should
be met by the free will offring which we ^are^ encourage-
ing them to sustain.
Seventy-five dollars would satisfy me, if you
think it best to pay that amount from the offring,
but if you think otherwise we will do the best we
can. In the past I have not been, at times, able
to avoid spending both time and means in con-
nection with matters that have been important,
and that could not always be explained.
Very respectfully Your Bro
Wm Budge