Day in the Life

Jun 13, 1892

Journal Entry

June 13, 1892 ~ Monday

Monday 13 Met in Conference at 10 oclok Prayer By J L Smith
Report of the stake shows 4641 souls W W. spoke 16 M[inutes]
J. McAllister spoke 35 M[inutes], W Woodruff 14 M[inutes] G Q Cannn
spoke 65 M[inutes], B H Roberts 27 M[inutes] McArthur 10 M[inutes].


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McArthur, Daniel Duncan
8 Apr 1820 - 3 Jun 1908
93 mentions
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2285 mentions
Smith, John Lyman
17 Nov 1828 - 21 Feb 1898

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Discourse 1892-06-13

to fill a mission. Pres Woodroof spoke for some time said he had received visits from the Prophet Joseph and Brigham, had seen them in the spirit world and that they were all "in a hurry, in a hurry" he could not understand why they were all in such a hurry—it was made known to him that all other Dispensations had plenty of time prior to this to do work in; but in this Dispensa- tion it was to be cut short in Righteousnes, so that the Brethren behind the vail had not any too much time to get things ready before the coming of the Son of Man and the ushering in of the great Millenium, spoke of the wonderfull

Discourse 1892-06-13

On the second day of Stake Conference President Woodruff was first speaker. He related that the first time he saw the Prophet Joseph Smith was in 1834, at a meeting of Elders held in a small log cabin in Kirt- land, it held all the Elders then in that City and very few more were in the Church. At that meeting, after hearing the testimony

Discourse 1892-06-12

REPORTED BY ARTHUR WINTER I arise with a heart full of gratitude and thanksgiving to my Heavenly Father for preserving my life until I again have the privilege of visiting St. George and beholding the faces of my brethren and sisters with whom I stand connected in the new and ever- lasting covenant—a covenant which will last not only in this world, but in the world to come. I think you are all acquainted with my motto with regard to public speak- ing. No man, in this generation or in any other, can preach the Gospel or edify the Saints of God unless he is led by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost; and what little I may speak to you this afternoon, I need and desire that Spirit. I hope I may have the faith and prayers of the Saints of God unto this end. I have some things upon my mind that I would like to speak of this after- noon, if I can get the spirit of them. I will say that some of the most inter- esting history of my life has been the time that I have spent here in St. George, and in the Temple of God which is built here. There is no eye that has seen, nor ear that has heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man to conceive, the future reward that will be given these people who dwell here and who have labored in the Temple of God. For myself, I can say that I feel under deep obligation to the people who dwell here—an obli- gation that I feel will last with me throughout all eternity. In my early days there were two things for which I desired to live. One was the redemption of the dead—my father's house, my mother's house, and the progenitors who are in the spirit world, and who never heard the Gospel. I have been preserved in the flesh, as one of their descendants, to hold the keys of their salvation and redemption, the same as you have for your progenitors, whom you are called to redeem and labor for here in the flesh. This has been a work that I have greatly desired to do for years that are past and gone, and through the blessing of the Lord and the as- sistance of my brethren and sisters who dwell in St. George, I have lived to see it accomplished to a great ex- tent, which I look upon as one of the greatest blessings God ever bestowed upon me. So I look upon it with re- gard to all of us. The Lord has had certain purposes in gathering us together, and the redemp- tion of our dead is one of them. And when I reflect upon the work which the Latter-day Saints have been called to perform in these latterdays, I re- joice before the Lord that I have lived in this day and generation, and that I have been numbered among the Lat- ter-day Saints who have been called to perform these great and mighty works which are necessary to be performed before the coming of the Son of Man. The building of these Temples in these mountains of Israel is among the mar- velous events of the day in which we live. Of course, we built Temples be- fore we came to these valleys; one in Kirtland, and one in Nauvoo. I was not at the dedication of the Temple in Kirtland; but I was present at the dedication of the Temple in Nauvoo. The history of these Tem- ples you have before you. You know the Prophets were slain, and the Lord required the building of that Temple at the hands of the Saints before they were driven into the wilderness. There was a certain revelation given that inspired in a great measure the Elders of the Church of God to per- form that work. They labored with all the power they possessed, and they accomplished that work. They went into that Temple and received ordin ances and endowments before they left to go into the wilderness. These Temples that we have build here stand as a monument before God, angels and men, to the faith and works of the Latter-day Saints. Brother George Q. Cannon has re- ferred to your labors in settling here. You were called to come here by the servants of God. You left your homes to come here and you have done what was required of you in this mat- ter. You have had power to finish the Temple, and you have had power to go in and redeem your dead. A great many of you have done this, and I hope all of you will continue as long as you have any dead to redeem. Never cease that work while you have the power to enter into the Temple. I have greatly rejoiced in my work in this Temple, and in the blessings that I have received at the hands of the Latter-day Saints here. Gold and sil- ver are no comparison to these things. I have had some thousands redeemed here. I have had baptisms, ordina- tions, washings and anointings, en- dowments and sealings for them, the same as if they were standing in the flesh themselves. I shall go and meet them on the other side of the veil. You will go and meet your relatives. You will hold the keys of their salvation to the endless ages of eternity, if you at- tend to this labor for them. There is no principle on earth that I rejoice more in than in the power that we hold as Latter-day Saints to build these Temples, to go into them, and to redeem our dead. It will require im- mortal bodies, immortal spirits, im- mortal revelations to enable men to comprehend the full extent of this work; they cannot comprehend it in mortality. Now, I desire to live to see the Salt Lake Temple finished. I want to be with my brethren the Apostles, the High Priests, the Seventies, the Elders and all the authorities of the Church when that Temple is dedicated to God. We have been as long build- ing that Temple as Moses was leading the children of Israel through the wilderness to the land of promise, and I would like to see it finished. I view our position as Latter-day Saints, and all that is transpiring here, as well as our history before we came here, as in fulfillment of the revela- tions of God. A great many of our friends felt bad when we had to leave our lovely Nauvoo to go into the wilderness. It was a great trial to them. But had that not taken place, the Bible and the Book of Mormon and many of the revelations in the Doc- trine and Covenants would have fallen to the ground unfulfilled. This is the place pointed out by the finger of God for the people to stand in holy places while the judgments of God go forth in the earth. It is marvelous in my eyes that I have lived to see the Temples that have been built in these moun- tains of Israel and the mighty work that has been performed in them, con- sidering the condition in which we came here. A little handful of men, in poverty and affliction, came into this barren desert. I brought President Young in my carriage into the valley of Salt Lake. He was sick, and he asked me to turn my carriage so that he could get sight of the valley. I did so. He cast

Letter from William Alfred Rossiter and William Bernard Dougall, 13 June 1892

SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, . PRESIDENT WILFORD WOODRUFF, Chairman General Board of Education, Dear Brother: In accordance with your request conveyed to us through Secretary George Reynolds, that the Executive Committee of the Latter-day Saints College act as an Auditing committe to examine the accounts of DR. J. E. TALMAGE in the matter of expenditures for Scientific Apparatus, we, the undersigned, members of said Executive Committee respectfully report as follows: We have audited the receipts, and invoices in said account, and have examined the apparatus, and found all to be consistent and complete The expenditures for which vouchers are on file are as follows: Queen & Co., Philadelphia $850.66 National School Furnishing Co., Chicago 100.00 R. Larrancois, Paris 4.00 Roberts & Nelden, Salt Lake City, 14.10 Z. C. M. I., Salt Lake City, 10.60 A. M. Judkins, Salt Lake Cicty, 3.00 C. R. Savage, Salt Lake City, 41.70 E. G. Holding, Salt Lake City, 37.50 Freight 8.05 $1069.61 Memorandum for draft of exchange 1.50 $1071.11 DR. TALMAGE reports this to be an exact balance with the amounts received from your treasurer on these accounts. We believe the accounts to be correct as stated. The apparatus which is now stored in the Latter-day Saints College under Dr. Talmage's control appears to be in good order. Respectfully yours, W A Rossiter. W. B. Dougall.

Discourse 1892-06-13

President Woodruff said the first time he saw the Prophet Joseph was in 1834, at a meeting of the Elders held in a small Log cabin in Kirtland, it held all the Elders then in that city, and very few more were in the Church. At that meetg after hearing the testi- mony of the Elders, the Prophet Joseph expressed his satisfaction ofat their testimo- nies but made the remark that they knew but little about the Gospel—for the work of the Lord in which they were en- gaged would fill the whole earth. He stated that the Gospel would be preached to, and accepted by, the Lamanites who would enter the Church and become mighty in advancing the interests of the Church and Kingdom of God. This was brought to HisBro Woodruff's mind by seeing the number of Lamanites sitting in the East end of the Gallery

Discourse 1892-06-13

President Woodruff stated in support of what Prest Cannon had said relative to the diffusion of the knowledge of this Latter Day work. Brother John W. Young some years ago while traveling in Europe met a Russian Prince who exhibited the most intimate knowledge of Prest Brigham Young and of the history of the Latter Day Saints. and felt Recently a Russian Prince visited Salt Lake City—examined many of the Public Buildings Since his return to Russia—the Emperor of Russia has sent a desire

Discourse 1892-06-13

President Woodruff arose and quoted the word of the Lord to the Prophet Joseph: "whom you bless I will bless and whom you curse I will curse." [Doctrine and Covenants 132:47] Prest Woodruff blessed the Prest of this Stake, the High Council the High Priests the seventies the Elders, Priests, Teachers & Deacons and all the people.

Jun 13, 1892