Day in the Life

Dec 23, 1892

Journal Entry

December 23, 1892 ~ Friday

23 we visited the Temple to day about one hour we
had a sugar Meeting to day the companies are
heavily in Debt


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Letter from Orson Smith, 23 December 1892
President Willford Woodruff and Coun Dear Brethern Would you please send us a few trustee deeds of the farm used in Idaho and Arizona fo holding Church property. We have in the cache stake several small wards without eclesiastical organizations by which the church property in those wards can be held, and we thought if we had the trustee deeds; by your permission; we would instruct the members of said wards to duly meet together according to law and elect trustees to which the property could be deeded. And in view of the continued expense attending the keeping up of the ecclesiastical organizations in the smaller wards and the difficulty in getting the officers, number and


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Dec 23, 1892