Day in the Life

Jun 19, 1893

Journal Entry

June 19, 1893 ~ Monday

19. I was not able to go to the office I spent the day at
home A company of Artesian well diggers commenced
diging me a well with a vary large Machine they
went down 40 feet when my Man Peter Hansen
shut off the water from the Ditch He caught a trout
that weighed 3 1/2 lbs


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Letter from George Emmett Browning Sr., 19 June 1893

To the First Presidency of the Church, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brethren: Your valued favor of May 22nd., with the draft for $51000 enclosed, came safely to hand the 8th. ins't. for which please accept our thanks, and in accordance with your instructions I have paid to Elder John W. Beck the $1000 sent by his sister which was included in with the draft. I am thankful to say that we had the pleasure of welcom- ing to our shores Elders Thos. S. Court, Geo. B. Freeze and Lewis B. Burnham on the above date, who arrived here in safety and in the enjoyment of good health and spirits, we also had a very pleasant, though short, interview with the five missionaries for New Zealand who were all enjoying very good health. The three elders who have just arrived complete my orders for missionaries, with the exception of the four that I ordered last month, which you will please send as or- dered if possible, two to leave San Francisco on the steamer leaving there July 20th., and the other two to come on the steamer leaving there Sep. 14th. 1893. I think it would be a good plan to send some of the Samoan and Tongan tracts with each one of the elders coming here until all are shiped, as it is much more handy tto have them here than at home. I enclose herewith a brief report of our Conference held

Letter from Christian Grejs Larsen and Uriah Erastus Curtis, 19 June 1893

Castle Dale To the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints Dear Brethren: In answer to your letter of June 1st, We forward you the names of the following persons to attend a twenty weeks normal cours at Provo. Resident. U. E. Curtis OrangeVille J. D. Killpack Molen Mary Amelia Larsen Castle Dale Peter E. Johnson Huntington If this meets your mind, and those person are appointed to that mission. they expect to attend the first course that will open in August Your brethren in the Gospel, C. G. Larsen U. E. Curtis

Letter from Louis Helvogt, 19 June 1893

We have no means to use in this direction, and we are not engaged in the business of immigra ting people to Utah. Our own people come here with their own means. J. F. S.

Letter from George Teasdale, 11 July 1893

Bp. W. D. Johnson Jr Colonia Diaz. Dear Brother: With regard to your going to London at the call of Bro. Jno. W. Young, and for the purpose assigned, we have given it our serious consideration, for we think it places you in a critical position. Are you not committed to the creditors to hold that land as security for their pay? Did you not so inform the Presidency and by going before the Mexican Authorities commit yourself with them that to go back upon it would ruin your reputation and for ever after destroy your usefulness in the Mexican Mission? These are questions I wish you were here to answer, for as I understand it you have committed yourself to hold the land Bro. Jno W. refers to until such time as a proper set tlement is made or in default to make such dis- position of it in favor of the creditors. Although I must confess I cannot see how this could be done with Jno. W's consent, unless the land is attached by legal process. But if the land goes out of your hand as Jno W. proposes where does it leave you? Ruined as I un- derstand it. There is a chance for failure You know how promises have been made the last two years only to be broken.

Jun 19, 1893