Day in the Life

Jun 21, 1893

Journal Entry

June 21, 1893 ~ Wednesday

^21^ out the Utah Horses carried the day mostly


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Letter from W. F. Smith, 21 June 1893
From - Smith To The Elder of Church of the Latter-Day Saints Dr Sir I want you to Send me a [Him] Book & Prayer from your illegible if you Please send forth with. Please send to W F Smith US [done] Fort Smith illegible
Letter from Charles Innes Robson, 21 June 1893
Mesa, Maricopa Co., Arizona, Prest Wilford Woodreff and Councillors Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brethern Bro Geo Reynolds Letter of the 14th to hand in regard to the conjoint Conference would say I have a comunication from Brother Karl G Maser requesting myself ^and^ The Principal of our Academey and as many of the Stake Board of Education as could conveniently attend a Convention to be held at Deming N. M. on Sept 3rd and that said Convention may hold on Week, if so the one would interfere with the other. But any Time will suit me and our People now that you will understand the Arangements is un With kindest regards Your Brother Chas I. Robson Cannot bro. Maeser put off his Convention until the Conference, or accomodate his time to theirs. J. F. S.
Letter from J. H. B. Clark, 21 June 1893
Kiona, Wash. March . President of Mormon Church. Dear Sir Will you have some one send me the name of some tracts and cost of some that teach in regard to tithes. I am interested in the work in Salt Lake and in this subject of tithes please have some one send me a list of various tracts pamphlets and books that contain teaching on this subject and I will buy some of them Thanking you in advance I am Yours Truly J. H. B. Clark. PS I heard you when Pres Elliott was there in March 1892. Now would it do to send him a catalogue of Church works as published by the News J. F. S.

Jun 21, 1893