Day in the Life

Sep 17, 1893

Journal Entry

September 17, 1893 ~ Sunday

17 Sunday we traveled in sight of Many thousands of
Acres of corn in the state of Ioway it is a great state
for corn the Ioway State House in the fair was in a
great measure composed of corn in the Ear it was
a sight to see it we passed Council Bluffs on the
Banks of the MO River we stop a short time
in Omahaw a few miles from Council Bluffs


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Letter from Frank Collett, 17 September 1893
Presidant Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother In answer to your call of June ^10th^ to take a Mission to the Indian Territory, i can say that i am willing and ready to go and fulfill the Mission to the best of my abillity Your Brother in the Gospel Frank Collett. Robt Morris Bp 11th Ward All right. J. F. S.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford meets with temple presidents to harmonize the endowment ceremony in all four operating temples.

Sep 17, 1893