Day in the Life

Dec 15, 1893

Journal Entry

December 15, 1893 ~ Friday

15 Keys crossed in company with Joseph F Smith & F D Richards
I rode to Ogden & Met with the conference of the
Relief Socity & Young Ladies Mutual there was
supposed to be 1500 persons Peresent I shook hands
with more than 100 persons WW spoke in the
forenoon 20 M J F Smith 20 M. Afternoon
W Woodruff spoke 60 M Emily Richards reported
our cause at the fair W. Wood Bishop MCquarrie
spoke 10 M F E Brown 10 M, Sister Monch 6 F D Richards
15 M. Jane Richards spoke 10 M W Woodruff Dismissed
we administered to a sick woman we went to Brother
F D Richards & took supper & Returned to S L C. 80 Miles


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Letter from Samuel Ewing Flannigan, 15 December 1893

McLeansboro, Ill., . Rev Wilford Woodruff My Dear sir, I am not a member of any church and a life long republican nevertheless I feel a deep sympathy for the success of your church and people In my judgement it is of the utmost importance that your people are represented by true and tried friends in both your state and Federal counsels —no weak or uncertain man should be entrusted with authority When you are once admitted upon terms of equality with the orginal states you will be in a position to make your influence felt for good I fully believe in present revelations and many cardinal

Letter from William Forman, 15 December 1893

Heber City President Wilford Woodruff My Dear Brother i see by the Herald that you are President of the Ogden Power Company, and haveing ben mining for two years i have Learned to use Giant Powder in Tunel Work & also above ground also for many years i have ben considerd a good qarry man as manager also have some Experience in building canals, as i have ben out of Employment for some time. i write to you Thinking you may be able to give me some Labor on Preparitory Work for the Plant Please accp't my kind Regards W Forman

Discourse 1893-12-15

Pres. Woodruff then addressed the con- gregation; commenced by saying—good morning, God bless you all. Some sixty years ago I first heard the sound of the gospel of the son of God. I invited the Elders home with me to spend the night. I read the Book of Mormon most of the night, and in the morning went to a stream of water and was baptized: had been taught under Presbyterian ministers all through childhood, but hungered for the gospel of Christ and His apostles; and would have walked hundreds of miles to behold an Apostle. Contrasted his visit through the state of Illinois during the past summer, with the dri- vings and persecutions of the Saints in the year 1834. Exhorted the sisters to diligence and faithfulness in their labors, though they are sometimes heavy All the organizations are of God; the younger gene[r-] ation must bear off the kingdom; Let us be care- ful and watchful of their teachings. He closed his remarks by asking the blessing of our heavenly Father upon all.

Letter from George Halliday, 15 December 1893

Provo City, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Yours of December 13th Inst to hand, in answer will say that my financial position at the present time, will not permit me to accept the appointment as missionary to the Southern States, thanking you for the confidence expressed. I remain, Very Respectfully Your Brother Geo Halladay This seems to be final. J. F. S.

Discourse 1893-12-15

Pres. Woodruff said the church of Christ has been set us again for the last time, it has been or- ganized for 63 years, and yet we are only a handful compared with the world at large. But the eye of God upon us, and the hosts of heaven and of this world too, are watching us. Then what manner of men, women, and children should we be; we should be saints indeed, and strive to live every righteous principle, in an ac- ceptable manner before God. The Relief Society was organized by the Prophet Joseph Smith in an early day, for a purpose: that of love and charity for the sick and hungry; and they are doing a noble work in this direction. The sisters have rights which the brethren should sustain. They have been called by revelation to store wheat against the time of famine, and we should sustain them in this call. We must improve our time, for we know not the day nor the hour when we will be called to labor beyond the vail. The evil one is ever watching to lead away and deceive the young and inexperienced; and we must be prayerful and humble and on our guard at all times and shun vice and even the appearance of evil. We have one of the most glorious blessing that any people can enjoy; that of working for the dead. I have had the privilege of working for the redemption of over four thousand of my relatives and friends in the spirit world. I exhort you to faithfulness in this grand work, an in every labor you are called to perform.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford meets with temple presidents to harmonize the endowment ceremony in all four operating temples.

Dec 15, 1893