Day in the Life

Jan 2, 1896

Journal Entry

January 02, 1896 ~ Thursday

2. I went to the Temple with the Apostles & spent several hours I
was quite unwell through the day


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Letter from George Dunbar, 2 January 1896
1896. President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother About a year ago I was requestd to prepare my self for a two years mission to the Southern States, as my scircumstances then would not justify me in leaving home at that time I was granted one year to prepare in, as the time has about expired I am pleased to say that I will be able to fill the aforesaid mission any time that you may suggest after M'ch 1st 1896. Hoping this will meet your aproval, I am Your Bro in the Gospel, George Dunbar over.
Letter from John Harris Taylor, 2 January 1896
Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Bro. I received your commun- ication of the 28 of December in regard to my taking a foreign mission to great Britian, to leave here on the 25th of January. I gladly accept the honor that has been conferred upon me and will endeavor to fulfill the mission to the best of my ability and which will be acceptable to those in aurthority. I remain, Your Bro. in the Gospel, John H. Taylor. I fully endorse to call of Br John H. Taylor, & Recomend him as a faithful brother, in full fellowship with all the ward where he resides Geo H Taylor Bsh 14 Ward Good J. F. S.


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Jan 2, 1896