Day in the Life

Sep 21, 1897

Journal Entry

September 21, 1897 ~ Tuesday

Tues Sept 21st Arose at 7 o'clock, had a good night and at Breakfast time
passed Rogue River Reef. We saw a large school of whales & passed
Cape Blanco lighthouse at 1230 Saw more whales & Porposes. after
dark Bro Nuttall vomited twice, he having felt like doing so several times.
We went to bed & slept.


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Nuttall, Leonard John
6 Jul 1834 - 23 Feb 1905
418 mentions


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Letter from Edwin H. Frost, 21 September 1897
Pres. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City, Dear Sir— Will you please to send me your autograph on the enclosed slips at your con- vience. would it be asking you too much if you could give me the name of three or four books on the history, etc. of the Mormons. Was there ever a book written in the per- sonal history of Joseph Smith and Brigham Young? Thanking you for your kindness, I remain very truly yours Edwin H Frost
Letter from John H. Heap, 21 September 1897
St Johns ^Arizona^ Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I would like to hav the privlage of going to england if it could be Aranged as my parents came from there several years Ago I failed to mention it in my last letter Respectfully J H Heap This brother is called to the Indian Territory Mission to leave 9 Dec. If the demand for the English mission is filled, and we need no more Elders for there at present, we can only sa[y] so to him, & suggest that he go to the Indian Territory. otherwise let him have his choice J. F. S.
Letter from John Crompton Rushton, 21 September 1897
Iona, Idaho, Pres. Wilford Woodruff— Salt Lake City Dear Bro. Yours of July 20th [18]97 was duly rec'd. Same stating that my name had been suggested and accepted as a missionary to Great Britiaain. Although my reply is somewhat tardy, owing to circumstances which I do not think it will be necessary to explain, In reply or in ans. to this call will say that I will endeavor to be ready by Feby; 1898 the date named in letter. Had the date been March instead of Feby. It would have been more convenient for me as by that time I would have finished the settlement of Tithes for the year [18]97. I am ^however^ willing to go and will endeavor to be ready at date named in your notification. Yours Very truly, J. C. Rushton Alfred J. Stanger Bishop


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Sep 21, 1897