Day in the Life

Sep 30, 1897

Journal Entry

September 30, 1897 ~ Thursday

Thursday Sept 30th feel fairly well this morning. Went to the office
attended my Temple meeting at 11 am, afterwards at the office. I also
attended a ^special^ meeting of the Directors of Zion's Savings Bank & Trust Co for 2 1/2 hours
The consideration of closing the Templeton Hotel was herd and decided to close it
Went home tired.


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Letter from Charles E. McClellan, 30 September 1897

Provo, . President Wilford Woodruff, Box B. Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother: After prayerfully considering the call made upon me to accept a mission to Colorado, I feel to respond. My home is in Mexico, and when I came to school thirteen months ago, I brought a recom- ment from my Bishop, but did not unite with any ward here; and as the time set for my departure will not permit me to send this home, I have no Bishop to endorse this reply. But I enclose a recommendation from President Benj. Cluff Jr., with whom I lived last summer. If this will be satisfactory, I shall be ready at the appointed time to be set apart for my mission. Very humbly, Your brother in the Gospel, Chas. E. McClellan.

Letter from Charles Ellsworth, 30 September 1897

Pres Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother as I have been called on a mission to the southern states and I will be ready to report any time after Nov 7, 1897. I remain your Brother Charles Ellsworth Lewis ville Idaho P.S. Please let me know when to be in Salt Lake City R F. Jardine, Bp Be here 17th Nov to be set apt

Letter from Søren Christian Christensen, 30 September 1897

Moroni . First Presidency: Dear Brethren Your letter of the 27th Sept to Hand and in reply will say that I am thankful for the privilige and will be ready anny time efter the 13th of Nov. 1897. I speak the English and the Danish Languge Your Brother in the Gospel my full Name is Soren Christian Christensen Notify Sc. 20 Nov

Letter from John C. Houston, 30 September 1897

Panguitch, Utah First Presidency Church Dear Broethersn: I have consulted my parents concerning the missionary call and now report myself ready at any time. Hoping to hear from you soon I Remain Your Brother John C. Houston P.S. Adress me at Provo.

Letter from James Ephraim Steele, 30 September 1897

Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City Ut. Dear Bro. Yours of the 28 and 29th inst. rec'd today same containing information in regard to Elder ^Jno^ Henry Standing. We know of no reason why he was returning home. We did learn however a short time ago, that his wife was un- satisfied and was very desirious that he return home. We had written his wife for particulars, notifying of his present condition as contained in your letter. We trust that Bro. Stander was not trying to escape the responsibilities of his mission. But we certainly do not know of no reason why he was return- ing home without authority of those who preside over him. Yours Very truly Jas. E. Steele


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Sep 30, 1897