Day in the Life

Dec 28, 1897

Journal Entry

December 28, 1897 ~ Tuesday

Tues Dec 28th Up early, after breakfast drove to & left on the 830 R G. W train. was
met at the depot by Bro McHenry, & drove to the office. I attended a meeting of the
Directors of Z. S. B & T Co at 1030 am. We decided to reduce the Real Estate from the
surplus fund to $10000000 also to pay a 6% dividend on Jan 3/[18]98. Busy in the
afternoon & went home at 4 pm.


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Letter from Johannes Jacob Thalmann, 28 December 1897
Presidant Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Having recived a letter from you calling me on a mission to Germany & wishing a reply I will hav to say that i am in very poor sircumstances. I am in debt quit bad & i would hav to move my house in to atown the reason of this is on acount of water I hav to hall it half of my time somer & winter I hav a Famly of five Children & not one of tham large anove to thak care of my affairs John Thalman Dec. 28 [18]97 for a mission, and when so prepared he can report himself to the proper Authorities J. F. S.
Letter from Andrew Smith Heggie, 28 December 1897
Montpelier Idaho First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day saints Dear Brothers It was with great sorrow that I recd, a letter from Home today containing a letter from your office asking if it would be agree- able to my feelings and consistent with my circumstances to be called to take a mission to preach the Gospels It being sent to me July 1st 1897 To Tooele City Utah my home, it was sent a short time after I left Tooele to come out into Idaho to work my Father recd. the letter and not knowing it was a call for me did not open it but laid it away and intended

Dec 28, 1897