Day in the Life

Dec 30, 1897

Journal Entry

December 30, 1897 ~ Thursday

Thur Dec 30th. Drove to the office, attended my meeting at the Temple
at 1130 am. had the check from Bro Jesse Knight cashed by Bro. Nuttall.


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Letter from John Ephraim Magleby, 30 December 1897
Monroe, Utah, Prest Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Nearly ten days ago I received your letter notifying me of my call to take a return mission to New Zealand. And in answer will say that I accept the same not only as a favor, as on honor, but as a great privilige given to only ^a^ few, and will do my best to be ready to go when wanted. Would however like to state, when in for conference last fall, Bro. Renolds hinted that likely I could feel released for a year or two. On the strength of same I invested in some more sheep partly on time, and released what I had of other's for one more year. There can not vary well be returned untill about Octr. next. Notwithstanding this if I am wanted and needed on the date named, July next, I will with the help of God be ready
Letter from James Melvin Cosby, 30 December 1897
Mesa A. T. Pres Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah. Dear Brother Ashton B Cosby who has received a call to the New Zealand mission is my son and a minor, is a student in the Territorial Normal School seeking to qualify himself for a teacher. I being financially oppressed secured him a school at St Davids for a term of six months just to help along a litele fainancially so as to enable me to keep him in school togather with my other sons until he could finish the formal course which will take him but one year more to do. Now I required him to

Dec 30, 1897