Day in the Life

Jun 27, 1898

Journal Entry

June 27, 1898 ~ Monday

Mon June 27th. Went to the office, and attended the routine business,
and went home at 4 pm


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Letter from Joseph Edward Ward, 27 June 1898

North Ogden . President Wilford Woodruff. P.O. Box B. Dear Brother: In accordance to the call, you have made of me. I here-by notify you in return, that I shall go. If the Lord sees fit to protect me, untill that time. With health, and no accident. Your Brother in the Gospel, Jos. E. Ward. James Ward Bishop

Letter from Andrew Kimball, 27 June 1898

To The First Presidency S. L. City: Utah Dear Bretheren: I desire to have Bro Wm M. Claydon and family consisting of wife, Elizabeth, sons Edgar and Ely, 18 and 16 respectfully called to locate in St. Joseph Stake of Zion. Bro Claydon had been figuring for some time on moving to Arizona, I had considerable talk with him while in Utah during conferance and my stay in Salt Lake. He is now employed as machine man in Solomon Bro's. Shoe mf'g. Establishment. he told me he would come and accordingly notified his employers that he would train some other hand to run his machine, and that he would prepare to move in the fall. His reasons for a call are, that it will settle in the minds of his wife and Joseph members, and remove responsibility from him, that they recieve it as a mission

Letter from Brainard W. Maples, 27 June 1898

Norwalk, Conn., . 189[8] Hon. Welford Woodruff, Dear Sir: I befg leave to acknowledge receipt, in good con- dition, of the third volume of the History of Utah, and to thank you, very sincerely, for your great kindness in sendinfg it to me. I anticipate great pleasure in continuing the very interesting and instructive narrative given in the first and second volumes, which I think are unrivalled in any other written history. I am not a Latter Day Saint, nor, I fear, a saint of any kind, but I cannot fail to admire the indomitable energy and perseverance shown by you, and by the people who have so long neemn under your competent lead[e]rship. With renewed thanks and kind regards, I am Yours Sincerely, B. W. Maples

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

T $7 $6 $7 20


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Jun 27, 1898