Day in the Life

Jul 14, 1898

Journal Entry

July 14, 1898 ~ Thursday

Thur July 14th Went to the office. attended a meeting of the Directors of the Deseret
Telegraph Co at 10 am & presided. transacted the current business. I also
attended my usual meeting at the Temple at 11.30 am. afterwards at the
office & left for home at 3 p.m.


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Letter from Chariton P. Ferrin, 14 July 1898
Ogden July 14, [18]98. President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother; Your letter of the 6th inst. regarding amy taking a mission to Germany in Nov. 98, was received in due time. In answer, will say, I am willing to do whatever is asked of me by those in authority over me. I am glad to know that I am worthy to be called. I am not as well prepared finiancialy as many who go to
Letter from Rhoda Celestia Nash Rowlands, 14 July 1898
Alpine, Utah, . Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah, Honored sir— Accompanying this letter please find a poem, entitled "Beloved Maine." Should the words and sentiments meet with your approval, may I ask that you will arrange to have them sung in the Memorial Services held by the Mormon people July 24th 1898, in honor of the "Maine" Memorial? At least endeavor to have them rendered by the Tabernacle Choir on that day. I have mailed a copy to Prof. Stevens, and hope to secure his influence and also assistance in the matter.


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Jul 14, 1898