Day in the Life

Jul 16, 1898

Journal Entry

July 16, 1898 ~ Saturday

Sat July 16th. Did not go to the office today


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Letter from Newton E. Noyes to the First Presidency, 16 July 1898

Provo, . To the First Presidency of the Church, Salt Lake City, Dear Brethren: In an interview with a committee if the Sanpete Stake Board of Education May 25th, you expressed your good feelings toward the Sanpete Stake Academy, and thought it problable that the Church might give the institution some assistance the ensuing school year. You thought it probable that a heavier tithing would be paid and in that event help could be given. As principal of the Academy I have spoken to our former teachers in regard to this year's work the two principal teachers have had good offers

Estate Papers - Farmers Ward meetinghouse receipt, 16 July 1898

Received from Woodruff and Woodbury Seven 50/100 Dollars on account of Meeting House $7.50 H. F. Burton Bp

Letter from Thomas M. McCune, 16 July 1898

Nephi Utah . Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I notified you not long since that I would be prepared to depart on a mission to Europe any time after 10th of August, just as I have to make final proof on a Deseret-Land entry, and Land office officials have appointed Aug., 31st for me to make the proof, I am under the necessety of asking you to delay the time of my departure untill after that date, I will endever to be in Salt Lake ready to start any moment after Aug 31st that you may arrange for. Sincerely your brother Thos. M. McCune

Discourse 1898-07-16

At the close of the program a brief address was delivered by President Wilford Woodruff, who expressed pleasure at being present and re- marked that he felt to congratulate the people that the day had dawned for the enlargement of our borders by the annexation of the Hawaiian Islands. He also congratulated the Hawaiians, who would now be granted a territorial form of government under the Ameri- can flag, and by and by they would re- ceive a state government, with all the sovereign rights and privileges be- longing to the states of the govern- ment. President Woodruff also re- ferred to the published request of President McKinley for prayers in be- half of the army and nation and thanksgiving for victories attained, and hoped that this would be duly ob- served in all the meetings of the Lat- ter-day Saints.

Letter from Ezra T. Stevenson, 16 July 1898

Auckland N.Z. . Prests Woodruff, Cannon and Smith Box B Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brethren: We have pleasure in acknowledging the receipt of your favor of May 28th, also draft for £119-1-2; and have covered Bro. Hardy's a/c, and thanked him for the favor exuded. The previous draft for £17-8-8- covered his old a/c. so that this one is some £18-0-0 in excess of what we owed him, and stands to your credit. Since previous writing we we have visited three districts, in each case enjoying a rich outpour- ing of the Spirit of the Lord, the Saints and Elders feeling much blessed in their efforts to serve him. The health of the Elders generally is good at present, Though some have suffered slightly from the effects of this damp season of the year, Among the Saints how- ever there has been considerable sickness and in some cases evil

Letter to Benjamin Erastus Rich, 16 July 1898

Prest. Ben E. Rich, Chattanooga. Dear Brother:- Your favor of June 30th, regarding the Southern States Mission Commissary, with accompanying enclosures, has re- ceived our considerate attention. After viewing the question from several standpoints and considering the arguments in its favor and to the contrary, we have thought it well to suggest that you con- tinue the commissary until your own mind is satisfied one way or the other. In giving you this permission we wish to impress upon you the necessity of not permitting the establishment to run into debt, and on the other hand of preventing the brethren in the field from accummulating indebtedness to the Chattanooga office. All debts should be minimised, and the sales be made with as few book accounts as are possible in conducting a business of that descrip- tion. The brethren who purchase clothing, &c. should be given the very best prices, that there be no cause for any compaint that the same class of goods can be obtained cheaper elsewhere. With kindest regards, we are, Your Brethren, Signed: Wilford Woodruff Geo. Q. Cannon (signatures did not copy)


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Jul 16, 1898