THUS ends the Year of eighteen hundred and forty eight
A Year big with events. A year in which the fig tree
hath rapidly put forth her leaves & blossomed for the summer
A year which has lade the foundation for the fulfillment of
more prophesy & Revelation than has been fulfilled in whole
centuries in other Ages. Thrones have been cast down, whole
Kingdoms have been oveturned, the power of the Pope of Rome
laid prostrate & he driven from his Kingdom. All the nations of
the earth convulsed Revlutions, wars Anarchy & confusion follo
each other in rapid succession. Cholera, plagues, & famine follow
in the train. And last of All though not least in importance
is the foundation laid for the disolution of the American
Government while these things are going on the Jews are gathe-
ing home to rebuild Jerrusalam. Some 7000 Latter Day Saint
have gatherd into the valley at the mountains of Israel by the Grate Salt Lake, And the Saints of the valley of the Sacremento
have discoverd vast quantities of Gold, silver, coper Iron & other
mettels the report of which has spread like electricity through
through the world which is causing tens of thousands of the
world to flock to that place these are some of the features
of the signs of 1848
The revolutions of Europe commenced with France. The people
rose in mass had 3 days fight, At the end of which they drove Louis
Philipi King of the French out of France with All the Royal family
the people entered the Turrelles took the Throne upon their
shoulders carried it into the streets & dashed it to peaces upon the
ground. The people then undertook to esstablish A republican
government. it was said to be ownly 500 killed in the first 3 days
fight. Afterwords A reaction took place with A fight & some
15000 killed. they have finally organized, And the world are now looking
Daily for the Account of their electing A President And it is expected
by many that much Blood will be shed on the occasion in consequence
of the many conflicting parties. The Jerman States And Prusia next
follow in Revolution which is still unsetled. Next the people of Austria Arose And Rove the King from his Throne & Kingdom He
Afterwards returned with Armies And Bombarded Vienna 8 days
And regained his Kingdom but has bBeen driven to the necessit[y] of
giveing his people A milder form of government & more toleration
Still his Throne is in danger. The Emperor of Rusia has had
much war And his Throne is in danger. The Irish have
made A struggle to throw of[f] the Brittish yoak & they have failed
yet deep trouble is brewing for that nation. The inhabitants
of Rome have risen up in their strength And compelled the
pope to make change after change, And at last have dashed his
power to the earth Assassinated his councellors And Driven him
from his Papal seat which has never before been shaken for
the last fourteen hundreds years And He has had to seek prot-
ection by fleeing to other Nations. While this is going on in for-
eign countries let us turn our eyes for A moment to the position
of Blood Stained America. A Nation though Blessed Above All
other Nations under Heaven yet she has of late been guilty of sheding
the Blood of Apostles Prophets Patriarchs And Saints she has suffered
mob rule to take the place of constitution law & order And what
position is she in at the close of this year. not ownly one of her
states Ohio has disgraced herself by having A legislaton sit for
THUS ends the Year of eighteen hundred and forty eight
A Year big with events, a year in which the fig tree
hath rapidly put forth her leaves & blossomed for the summer
A year which has lade the foundation for the fulfillment of
more Prophesy & Revelation than has been fulfilled in whole
centuries in other ages. Thrones have been cast down, whole
Kingdoms have been overturned, the power of the Pope of Rome
laid prostrate & he driven from his Kingdom. All the nations of
the Earth convulsed Revolutions, wars anarchy & confusion follow
each other in rapid succession, Cholera, plagues, & famine follow
in the train. And last of all though not least in importance ◊
is the foundation laid for the disolution of the American
Government while these things are going on the Jews are gathe[r]
ing home to rebuild Jerrusalem, some 7000 Latter Day Saints
have gatherd into the valley of the mountains of Israel by the
Grate Salt Lake, and the Saints of the valley of the Sacramento
have discoverd vast quantites of Gold, silver, coper Iron & other
mettels the report of which has spread like electricity through
through the world which is causing tens of thousands of the
world to flock to that place these are some of the features
of the signs of 1848
The revolutions of Europe commenced with France. The people
rose in mass had 3 days fight, at the end of which they drove Louis
Philipi King of the French out of France with all the Royal family
the People entered the Turrelles took the Throne upon their
shoulders carried it into the streets & dashed it to peaces upon the
ground. The people then undertook to esstablish a republican
government, it was said to be ownly 500 killed in the first 3 days
fight Afterwords a reaction took place with a fight & some
15000 killed, they have finally organized, and the world are now looking
Daily for the account of their electing a President and it is expected
by many that much blood will be shed on the occasion in consequence
of the many conflicting Parties. The Jerman States and Prusia next
follow in Revolution which is still unsetled. Next the People of
Austria arose and Drove the King from his Throne & Kingdom He
afterwards returned with Armies and bombarded Vienna 8 days
and regained his Kingdom but has been driven to the necessity of
giving his people a milder form of government & more toleration
still his Throne is in danger. The Emperor of Rusia has had
much war and his Throne is in danger. The Irish have
made a Struggle to throw off the Brittish yoak & they have failed
yet deep trouble is brewing for that nation. The inhabitants
of Rome have risen up in their strength and compelled the
pope to make change after change, and at last have dashed his
power to the Earth assassinated his Councellors and Driven him
from his Papal seat which has never before been shaken for
the last fourteen hundreds years and he has had to seek protection by fleeing to other Nations. While this is going on in foreign Countries let us turn our eyes for a moment to the Position
of Blood Stained America. A Nation though blessed above all
other Nations under Heaven yet she has of late been guilty of sheding
the Blood of Apostles Prophets Patriarchs and Saints she has suffered
mob rule to take the place of Constitution law & order and what
position is she in at the Close of this year, not ownly one of her
states Ohio has disgraced herself by having a legislaton sit for
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," December 31, 1848, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 14, 2025,