We should eat in the morning before we expose ourselves
to riding in the cold. And if we swished to save hay and
providnder give our cattle & stock warm stables in winte[r]
for it would take much more to sustain the system in
the open air He opposed the principle of Air tight stove
they were not healthy And many other remarks were
made by the speaker
I have discoverd in my travels of late in the eastern
states A great exhertion Among the people to improve thei[r]
system of education to make it interesting to the youth
& changing the mode of teaching the blackboard is int
roduced into the schools generally & it is found not
profitable to confine the scholar in one place not more
than an hour & are are giving attention to children of
weak lungs & stomach using gymnastics &c filling the
lungs with air & exploding it suddenly with sounds like
O, Bo, Ba &c loud to exercise the lungs making them stand
strait. I find many good things of this kind among
the people.
But when we look for the things
of the Kingdom of God it appears to me this nation
was never more barren than at the present time their
hearts seem to be bared up they are bound in bands
which are made strong & no man can loose them they
seem to be ripe for the Judgments of God And well
they may be inasmuch as they have rejected the gospel
shed the Blood of Prophets &Apostles & Patriarchs & drived
the church & Kingdom of God into the wilderness And have
finally been cut of from the Church & kingdom of
God by A general vote & Acclemation of the the Saints
of God with uplifted hands to heaven in the Temple of
the Lord at Nauvoo And who can expect to get access to
the hearts of this Nation now No one their condemnat
ion is made shure & their damnation slumbereth not
21st Spent A part of the day at Fathers & part at Sister Fosses we had A family meeting in the evening Father
Carter was present Also Joseph Fabyan we had A good
time I expressed my feelings in plaineness concerning my
course & the dealings of the Lord with me. Phebe Also spoke
in great planeness concerning her course And that her Pare
nts & freiends would know in eternity why she had taken
the course she had in leaving her fathers house & following
the Saints the Spirit of the Lord was with us Br Carter
spoke A few moments to edifycation Father Carters said
H[e] was satisfyed with us And if their was A csociety of the
Saints whare he could spend the few remaining days with
them which he had to spend on earth he would be glad
to. It was an interesting time to us all
~ Friday
22 A hard rainy day I spent the time to Father Carters
we should eat in the morning before we expose ourselves
to riding in the cold, and if we wished to save hay and
provinder give our cattle & stock warm stables in winter
for it would take much more to sustain the system in
the open air he opposed the principle of air tight stoves
they were not healthy and many other remarks were
made by the speaker
I have discoverd in my travels of late in the eastern
states a great exhertion among the people to improve their
system of education to make it interesting to the youth
& changing the mode of teaching the black board is int
roduced into the schools generally & it is found not
profitable to confine the scholar in one place not more
than an hour & are are giving attention to children of
weak lungs & stomach using gymnastics &c filling the
lungs with air & exploding it suddenly with sounds like
O, Bo, Ba &c loud to exercise the lungs making them stand
strait. I find many good things of this kind among
the people.
But when we look for the things
of the Kingdom of God it appears to me this nation
was never more barren than at the present time their
hearts seem to be bared up they are bound in bands
which are made strong & no man can loose them they
seem to be ripe for the judgments of God and well
they may be inasmuch as they have rejected the gospel
shed the blood of Prophets Apostles & Patriarchs & driven
the church & Kingdom of God into the wilderness and have
finally been cut off from the Church & kingdom of
God by a general vote & acclemation of the the Saints
of God with uplifted hands to heaven in the Temple of
the Lord at Nauvoo and who can expect to get access to
the hearts of this Nation now No one their condemnat
ion is made shure & their damnation slumbereth not
21st Spent a part of the day at Fathers & part at Sister
Fosses we had a family meeting in the evening Father
Carter was present also Joseph Fabyan we had a good
time I expressed my feelings in plaineness concerning my
course & the dealings of the Lord with me Phebe also spoke
in great planeness concerning her course and that her Pare
nts & friends would know in eternity why she had taken
the course she had in leaving her fathers house & following
the Saints the spirit of the Lord was with us Br Carter
spoke a few moments to edifycation Father Carters said
H was satisfyed with us and if their was a society of the
Saints whare he could spend the few remaining days with
them which he had to spend on earth he would be glad
to. It was an interesting time to us all
~ Friday
22 A hard rainy day I spent the time to Father Carters
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"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," September 19, 1848 - September 22, 1848, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 8, 2025, https://2023.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/wpN1