4th I left New York took rail car Arived at Philadelphia
in the evening called upon Elder Jacob Gibson 83 Dock st
street opposite the post office Attended meeting with him
in the evening I addressed the Saints A few moments
returned home with Br Gibson & spent the night 120 m[iles]
~ Thursday
5th I called this Morning upon Sister McMinn in
Schoolkill 6th Street Between Market And Chesnut stret
I then called upon Col Kane Clerk of the United States
Court He had many men in his office yet as soon as
he saw me he laid aside all other business & came &
grasp my hand & seemed much delighted to see me
He talked with me about 15 minutes upon A variety
of subjects I then retired from his office & called
upon Br Gibson untill 2 oclok Sister McMinn then accom-
panied me to Br Sniders And Br Hammers Popler street
5 doors below 13th. We here saw Sister Poulter. Br Hammer
went with me to Br Johnsons, & to Br Gibsons distance 8 mi Their was quite A display in Philadelphia to day in depositing
the remains of Comodore James Biddle in the vault of the
Biddle family. His remains were deposited with milertary
honors of about twenty milertary lcompanies & three bands
of music. this was Accompanied with display of flags
from public buildings chiming of Bells, firing of minute
guns from the Navy yard &c. Comodore Biddle is the Eleventh
Comodore whose remains have been deposited in Philadelphia
And the eight or ninth who have died here. The ten prece-
ding Comodore Biddle who were buried in Philadelphia were
Comodores Decatur, Bainbridge, Barry, Truxton, Shaw, Hull, Rodgers, Porter, Elliot and Dallast.
7th I walked down to the office in the morning Elder W.
I Appleby soon came in we went together to the Court House
& called upon Col Kane his office was full of men on Business
yet when he saw me he came to us left his business & conversed
with us with deep interest upon our cause said he had fears
that there was trouble brewing against us in the west of Iowa
& wished me to give him the earliest information of any
thing against us
~ Sunday
8th Sunday I met the Saints of God with many strangers
in the old Mormon Hall or Marshall Hall on third above
willow street I addressed them in the morning from the
words of Jesus to his deciples "that as it were in the days
of Noah & Lot so shall it be in the coming of the Son
of Man, [Matthew 24:37] [Luke 17:26] &c I had the spirit & power of God resting upon
me & I spoke of the signs of the times And warened them
to keep the commandments of God that they might escape
the Judgments of God. I addressed the Saints in the Afternoon
And had A good time we took tea with Br Adams on 5 st above Broown A tobaconist Br Appleby Preached in the evening from Gal 1 ch 7, 8, 9 vers Though we or an Angel from Heaven &c
~ Wednesday
4th I left New York took rail car arived at Philadelphia
in the evening called upon Elder Jacob Gibson 83 Dock st
street opposite the post office attended meeting with him
in the evening I addressed the Saints a few moments
returned home with Br Gibson & spent the night 120 m
~ Thursday
5th I called this Morning upon Sister McMinn in
Schoolkill 6th Street Between Market and Chesnut stret
I then called upon Col Kane Clerk of the United States
Court He had many men in his office yet as soon as
he saw me he laid aside all other business & came &
grasp my hand & seemed much delighted to see me
He talked with me about 15 minutes upon a variety
of subjects I then retired from his office & called
upon Br Gibson untill 2 oclok Sister McMinn then accompanied me to Br Sniders and Br Hammers Popler street
5 doors below 13th. We here saw Sister Poulter. Br Hammer
went with me to Br Johnsons, & to Br Gibsons distance 8 mi
[FIGURE] Their was quite a display in Philadelphia to day in depositing
the remains of Comodore James Biddle in the vault of the
Biddle family. His remains were deposited with milertary
honors of about twenty milertary Companies & three bands
of music, this was accompanied with display of flags
from public buildings chiming of bells, firing of minute
guns from the Navy yard &c. Comodore Biddle is the Eleventh
Comodore whose remains have been deposited in Philadelphia
and the eight or ninth who have died here. The ten preceding Comodore Biddle who were buried in Philadelphia were
Comodores Decatur, Bainbridge, Barry, Truxton, Shaw, Hull,
Rodgers, Porter, Elliot and Dallast.
~ Friday
6th FIGURES I wrote two letters one to Elder Thomas
AndrewsMontreal one to A Badlam I visited a number
of Saints during the day
~ Saturday
7th I walked down to the office in the morning Elder W.
I Appleby soon came in we went together to the Court House
& called upon Col Kane his office was full of men on business
yet when he saw me he came to us left his business & conversed
with us with deep interest upon our cause said he had fears
that there was trouble brewing against us in the west of Iowa
& wished me to give him the earliest information of any
thing against us
~ Sunday
8th Sunday I met the Saints of God with many strangers
in the old Mormon Hall or Marshall Hall on third above
willow street I addressed them in the morning from the
words of Jesus to his deciples "that as it were in the days
of Noah & Lot so shall it be in the coming of the Son
of Man, &c I had the spirit & power of God resting upon
me & I spoke of the signs of the times and warned them
to keep the commandments of God that they might escape
the Judgments of God. I addressed the Saints in the afternoon
and had a good time we took tea with Br Adams on 5 st above
Brown a tobaconist Br Appleby preached in the evening from
Gal 1 ch 7, 8, 9 vers Though we or an Angel from Heaven &c
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," October 4, 1848 - October 8, 1848, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 9, 2025, https://2023.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/zp8Z