council concerning the organization of Potawatame County & herd
documents read from several members of Ioway City directed to the
inhabitants of that county concerning political & other matters there
were speaches made pro and con & finally answers were given
to the effect that we felt disposed to let politics take their own
course And find there own level we spent the night at Council
PointH C. Kimball & myself lodged together distance 20 m
~ Tuesday
28th Met in council this morning we herd A letter read from Oliver Cowdry expressing his feelings concerning some matters conn-
ected with the first calling of the Twelve After conversing upon
A variety of subjects we returned home to winter QuartersviaLog tabern-
cle. On my return home I recieved A letter from Br & Sister Scammans saying all was well with them distance 20 m
~ Wednesday
29th About a dozen Pawnee Indians with an interpeter stoped in
this place to day had ^been^ to hold a council with the Omahas & Otoes about
going to war with the Sious for killing some of their numbers
~ Thursday
30th I spent the day at home and at the office And crossed the River with R. Allexander I let him have 4 yoak of oxen & 4 chains
~ Friday
31st I went over the river with Br Benbow to get some flour
I met in council with the Twelve in the evening
~ Saturday
April 1st I spent the day choreing
~ Sunday
2nd Sunday our city was visited through the day with a strong
gale of wind and sand which drove inside of all of our log
cabins & coverd evry thing with dust, we had a hay stack burn
down on the outskirt of the town situated in such a position
that nothing els could burn but had it been in any part of
town whare the wind could have blown the fire in any part
of the city it would soon been wraped in flames the whole
town has been in danger of being burnt up all winter, wind south
~ Monday
3rd A strong North wind to day I was In council with several Pawnee chiefs all the business they made known was they wanted
us to give them about 100 bushels of corn for their families who
was starving, theire is about 100 of the Paunees in tow we
we loaded there mules with corn & let them go home
~ Tuesday
4th I went over the river And Baptized Sister Peck for
the remission of sins And also for her daughter who was dead
I also baptized 8 others who had not before been baptized
one of which was Samuel H. Smiths ownly son & one was Peter
Balentine an Insane man I confirmed 4 persons I saw
Br McKeinzia who had just returned from a mission from
the south. He informed me that Br A. Lyman was on
his way to this place. He stated there was A revolution in france
the french had driven their King Louis Phillipi from the throne
& kingdom And also his family And the nation was in a state of
revolution much Blood had been shed
~ Wednesday
5th ^^ I spent the day at home And was under much obligations to Br John Benbow for performing a good act in afficiating in the capacity
of A peace maker And bestowing upon me some of the necessary
Blessings of life
Council concerning the organization of Potawatame County & herd
documents read from several members of Ioway City directed to the
inhabitants of that county concerning political & other matters there
were speaches made pro and con & finally answers were given
to the effect that we felt disposed to let politics take their own
course and find there own level we spent the night at Council
PointH C. Kimball & myself lodged together distance 20 m
~ Tuesday
28th Met in council this morning we herd a letter read from
Oliver Cowdry expressing his feelings concerning some matters connected with the first calling of the Twelve. After conversing upon
a variety of subjects we returned home to Winter Quartersvia Log taberncle. On my return home I recieved a letter from Br & Sister Scammans
[FIGURE] saying all was well with them distance 20 m
~ Wednesday
29th About a dozen Pawnee Indians with an interpeter stoped in
this place to day had been to hold a council with the Omahas & Otoes about
going to war with the Sious for killing some of their numbers
~ Thursday
30th I spent the day at home and at the office and crossed the
River with R. Allexander I let him have 4 yoak of oxen & 4 Chains
~ Friday
31st I went over the river with Br Benbow to get some flour
I met in council with the Twelve in the evening
~ Saturday
April 1st I spent the day choreing
~ Sunday
2nd Sunday our city was visited through the day with a strong
gale of wind and sand which drove inside of all of our log
cabins & coverd evry thing with dust, we had a hay stack burn
down on the outskirt of the town situated in such a position
that nothing els could burn but had it been in any part of
town whare the wind could have blown the fire in any part
of the city it would soon been wraped in flames the whole
town has been in danger of being burnt up all winter, wind south
~ Monday
3rd A strong North wind to day I was In Council with several
Pawnee chiefs all the business they made known was they wanted
us to give them about 100 bushels of corn for their families who
was starving, theire is about 100 of the Paunees in tow we
we loaded there mules with corn & let them go home
~ Tuesday
4th [FIGURE] I went over the river and baptized Sister Peck for
the remission of sins and also for her daughter who was dead
I also baptized 8 others who had not before been baptized
one of which was Samuel H. Smiths ownly son & one was Peter
Balentine an Insane man I confirmed 4 persons I saw
Br McKinzia who had just returned from a mission from
the south. He informed me that Br A. Lyman was on
his way to this place. He stated there was a revolution in france
the french had driven their King Louis Phillipi from the throne
& kingdom and also his family and the nation was in a state of
revolution much blood had been shed
~ Wednesday
5th [FIGURE] I spent the day at home and was under much obligations to Br
John Benbow for performing a good act in afficiating in the capacity
of a peace maker and bestowing upon me some of the necessary
blessings of life
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," March 27, 1848 - April 5, 1848, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 31, 2025,