[page torn] [c]laim hischild in the morning of the resurrection & the Lord
[page torn] [w]ill give it up to him. I had my children sealed to me in the
[page torn] [t]emple except one that died & that I shall leave in the hands of
[page torn] [t]he Lord, untill I have another opportunity. As soon as we get
up some doby Houses for our families we shall go to work to
build another Temple & as soon as A place is prepared we shal[l] [page covered]
commence the endowments long before the Temple is built &
we shall take time, & each step the Saints take let them take time
enough about it to understand it. evry thing at Nauvoo went with
a rush we had to build the Temple with the trowel in one hand &
the sword in the other & mobs were upon us all the while and
many crying out O the temple cant be built. I told them it should
be built, this Church should not fall & the Lord said if we did not
build it we should be rejected as a Church with our dead why did
He say it because the Saints were becoming slothful & covetous & would
spend their means upon fine Houses for themselves before they would
put it into A House for the Lord. But we went at it & finished
it & turned it over into the hands of the Lord in spite of earth & Hell
& the Brethren was so faithful at it that we laboured day [and] night to give
them their endowments. The children want to be sealed to their Parents
& Parents to their children, that they may have blessings in eternity that
they will stand in need of. God promised to Abraham that his seed
should be as numerous as the stars of Heaven & the sands of the seashore &
to his seed there should be no end [Genesis 22:17] this of course would continue
through all eternity, the same blessing is upon our heads if we are faith
ful for our eyes have not seen, our ears herd neither entered into our
hearts the great things that God has in store for us, & when I look
upon the great work the Elders of Israel have to perform & look
around upon them & see them vain & foolish, it makes me sorrowful
they forget their calling. O ye Elders of Israel think for a moment
what manner of persons ought ye to be, men who hold the priesthood
& keys of salvation & have power to go to the Nations of the earth &
& say Here Gentleman & Ladies I have salvation for you & power to exhalt
you to celestial Glory, or if you reject it to seal you unto damnation
it is no trifling affair to have power put into your hand to deal with
[page covered] [t]he eternal destinies of the sons & daughters of Adam that form
the Nations of the earth. While in the Temple at Nauvoo we voted
to cut off the gentiles who had rejected the gospel & killed the prophets
& it was recorded on earth & if it is recorded in heaven that Nation wi[ll] [page torn]
go down quickly. Many other interesting & important items were presented
by President Young much to our edifycation. meeting was dismissed &
met again at 2 oclok & was Addressed in a vary edifying manner
by O Pratt, & treated upon the same principles spoken off [of] by Br
Young Among his remarks He said, that as all the ordinances of the
gospel Administered by the world since the Aposticy of the Church
was illegal, in like manner was the marriage cerimony illegal and all
the world who had been begotton through the illegal marriage, were
Bastards & not sons & Hence they had to enter into the law of adopti[on] [ink blot]
& be adopted into the Priesthood in order to become sons & legal hei[rs] [ink blot]
[page covered] [o]f salvation.
Erastus Snow followed & spoke much to our edi
[page covered] [f]ycation After which meeting was dismissed.
President Young met with the company who were to start back
in the morning with the ox teams there were over 60 in number
& gave good instructions to them, many of the Battalion deposited their
[page covered] [g]uns with President Young for safe keeping
page torn claim hischild in the morning of the resurrection & the Lord
will give it up to him. I had my children sealed to me in the
page torn temple except one that died & that I shall leave in the hands of
page torn the Lord, untill I have another opportunity. As soon as we get
up some doby houses for our families we shall go to work to
build another Temple & as soon as a place is prepared we shall
commence the Endowments long before the Temple is built &
we shall take time, & each step the Saints take let them take time
enough about it to understand it. evry thing at Nauvoo went with
a rush we had to build the Temple with the trowel in one hand &
the sword in the other & mobs were upon us all the while and
many crying out O the temple cant be built, I told them it should
be built, this Church should not fall & the Lord said if we did not
build it we should be rejected as a Church with our dead why did
He say it because the Saints were becoming slothful & covetous & would
spend their means upon fine houses for themselves before they would
put it into a House for the Lord. But we went at it & finished
it & turned it over into the hands of the Lord in spite of earth & Hell
& the Brethren was so faithful at it that we laboured day and night to give
them their endowments. The Children want to be sealed to their Parents
& Parents to their Children, that they may have blessings in eternity that
they will stand in need of. God promised to Abraham that his seed
should be as numerous as the stars of Heaven & the sands of the seashore &
to his seed there should be no end this of course would continue
through all Eternity, the same blessing is upon our heads if we are faith
ful for our eyes have not seen, our ears herd neither entered into our
hearts the great things that God has in store for us. & when I look
upon the great work the Elders of Israel have to perform & look
around upon them & see them vain & foolish, it makes me sorrowful
they forget their Calling. O ye Elders of Israel think for a moment
what manner of persons ought ye to be, men who hold the priesthood
& keys of salvation & have power to go to the Nations of the Earth &
& say Here Gentleman & Ladies I have salvation for you & power to exhalt
you to Celestial Glory, or if you reject it to seal you unto damnation
it is no trifling affair to have power put into your hand to deal with
the Eternal destinies of the sons & daughters of Adam that form
the Nations of the earth. While in the Temple at Nauvoo we voted
to cut off the gentiles who had rejected the gospel & killed the prophets
& it was recorded on earth & if it is recorded in heaven that Nation will
go down quickly. Many other interesting & important items were presented
by President Young much to our edifycation. meeting was dismissed &
met again at 2 oclok & was addressed in a vary edifying manner
by O Pratt, & treated upon the same principles spoken off by Br
Young. Among his remarks he said, that as all the ordinances of the
gospel administered by the world since the Aposticy of the Church
was illegal, in like manner was the marriage cerimony illegal and all
the world who had been begotton through the illegal marriage, were
bastards & not sons & hence they had to enter into the law of adoption ink spot
& be adopted into the Priesthood in order to become sons & legal heirs
of salvation.
Erastus Snow followed & spoke much to our edi
fycation after which meeting was dismissed.
President Young met with the company who were to start back
in the morning with the ox teams there were over 60 in number
& gave good instruction to them, many of the Battalion deposited there
guns with President Young for safe keeping
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," August 15, 1847, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 11, 2025, https://2023.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/kRW6