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Church History Library of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Collection Name Wilford Woodruff letters, 1885-1894
Collection Description Wilford Woodruff, 1875 June 27
Collection Number CR 100 912
Collection Page 1-72
Source Link The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
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244 mentions
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118 mentions
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169 mentions
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43 mentions
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25 mentions
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45 mentions
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104 mentions
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159 mentions
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4 mentions
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David Woolley Evans
6 Jan 1833 - 5 Jul 1876
Gideon J. Newton
28 Jul 1787 - 17 Feb 1859
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Maine Mission
Joseph Smith (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
Brigham Young
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
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Apostle, Family


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Children are taken away in their infancy, and they go to the spirit world. They come here and fulfill the object of their coming, that is, they tabernacle in the flesh. They come to receive a probation and an inheritance on the earth; they obtain a body or tabernacle, and that taber- nacle will be preserved for them, and in the morning of the resurrection the spirits and bodies will be reunited, and as here we find children of vari- ous ages in a family, from the infant at the mother's breast to manhood, so will it be in the family organization in the celestial world. Our children will be restored to us, as they are laid down if we, their parents, keep the faith and prove ourselves worthy to obtain eternal life; and if we do not so prove ourselves our children will still be preserved, and will inherit celestial glory. This is my view in regard to all infants who die, whether they are born to Jew or Gentile, righteous or wicked. They come from our eternal Father and their eternal Mother unto whom they were born in the eternal world, and they will be restored to their eternal pa- rentage; and all parents who have received children here according to the order of God and the holy priest- hood, no matter in what age they may have lived, will claim those chil- dren in the morning of the resurrec- tion, and they will be given unto them and they will grace their family orga- nizations in the celestial world.
~ Wilford Woodruff
it is sufficient for me to know that our children are saved, and that if we ourselves keep the faith and do our duty before the Lord, if we keep the celestial law, we shall be preserved by that law, and our child- ren will be given unto us there, as they have been given here in this world of sorrow, affliction, pain and distress.
~ Wilford Woodruff
In the dispensations and providences of God to man it seems that we are born to suffer pain, affliction, sor- rows and trials; this is what God has decreed that the human family shall pass through; and if we make a right use of this probation, the experience it brings will eventually prove a great blessing to us, and when we receive immortality and eternal life, exaltation, kingdoms, thrones, principalities and powers with all the blessings of the fulness of the Gospel of Christ, we shall understand and comprehend why we were called to pass through a continual warfare during the few years we spent in the flesh.
~ Wilford Woodruff

There is none of us going to live but a little while; we shall all pass away soon, and our eternal destiny depends upon the few days, weeks, months or years that we spend here in the flesh. Do you not think it will pay a man or a woman to keep the commandments of God? It will, and when we enjoy the Holy Spirit, when we are trying to live our religion here on the earth, we are the happiest people on God's footstool, no matter what our circum- stances may be.
~ Wilford Woodruff
I say to the Latter-day Saints, we should be faithful to our God. We are blessed above all the people that breathe the breath of life upon the earth, and we are blessed above all other dispensations and generations
~ Wilford Woodruff
God our heavenly Father and all under him—the whole heavenly host, have their eyes turned towards the Latter-day Saints, be- cause this is the great dispensation of which Adam, Enoch and all the ancient patriarchs and Prophets have spoken, in which shall take place the final redemption of the House of Israel, the restoration of their king- dom, the rebuilding of their city and Temple, the restoration of their oracles and Priesthood, of the Urim and Thummim, and the preparation for the final winding up scene in the last days; all these things will take place in the dispensation in which we are permitted to live.
~ Wilford Woodruff
Let us, then, try and fulfill and perform our duties as good Latter-day Saints. Let us bear with each other’s faults, and bear the yoke of Christ, live our religion and keep the com- mandments of God. Let us try and bring up our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Let us set them good examples and teach them good principles while they are young. They are given to us by our heavenly Father; they are our king- dom, they are the foundation of our exaltation and glory; they are plants of renown, and we should strive to bear them up before the Lord, and teach them to pray to, and to have faith in, the Lord as far as we can, that when we are past and gone and they succeed us on this stage of action, they may bear off the great latter-day work and kingdom of God upon the earth.
~ Wilford Woodruff