29 I rode to Buxton in company with Sister Foss I spent the day with Elder James Townsend I had a plesent
interview with him I returned & spent the night at fathers Carters 16 [miles]
~ Monday
30 I received a letter from Elder Milton Holmes I forwarded him two pamphlets by Mail. I took the
parting hand with Mrs Woodruff & Father Carters family to go to visit fox Islands for the last time, for the
purpose of assisting as many of the Saints as are ready to prepare their teams waggons & teams to go to the
land of Zion. O my God prosper my way give me favor with the Saints enable a goodly number of them to go to
the land of Zion deliver me from the hands of my enemies bless my wife & the babe which thou has given us, while
I am absent enable me to return to again greet them in health I ask these blessings in the name of Jesus Christ Amen
I walked to Portland and spent the night with Ezra Carter jr distance of the day 10 miles
2. I walked to East Thomaston. I dined with Mrs Andrew Luce. I visited Mr Spalden and Benjn
Knowlton several came to see me & inpuire into the things of the kingdom & wished me to pray
with them I did so all was calme in town no spirit against me many wish to hear preaching I
next walked to Camden harbour called & took supper with Mr Cobourn Tylor I received no
opposition in Camden at this time I walked to Brother Ebenezer Ames all appeared glad to see me
I then walked to Goose river I here had an unexpected & interesting interview with Brother Nathaniel Thomas & had the happy privilege of once more striking hands with this faithful Saint
we took a walk together to the Simonton district & spent the night with Mr Pease Sister Pease
rejoiced to see me return as many had prophesyed that I would never return. Distance 30 miles
~ Friday
3rd I visited Mr Whitley I found sister Whitley strong in the faith. I preached at night in the schoolhouse
and spent the night with Mr William Broonwn distance of the day 5 miles
29 I rode to Buxton in company with sister Foss I spent the day with Elder James Townsend I had a plesent
interview with him I returned & spent the night at fathers Carters 16
~ Monday
30 [FIGURE] I received a letter from Elder Milton Holmes I forwarded him two pamphlets by Mail. I took the
parting hand with Mrs Woodruff & Father Carters family to go to visit fox Islands for the last time, for the
purpose of assisting as many of the saints as are ready to prepare their teams waggons & teams to go to the
land of Zion. O my God prosper my way give me favor with the saints enable a goodly number of them to go to
the land of Zion deliver me from the hands of my enemies bless my wife & the babe which thou has given us, while
I am absent enable me to return to again greet them in health I ask these blessings in the name of Jesus Christ Amen
I walked to Portland and spent the night with Ezra Carter jr distance of the day 10 miles
2. I walked to East Thomaston. I dined with Mrs Andrew Luce. I visited Mr Spalden and Benjn
Knowlton several came to see me & inquire into the things of the kingdom & wished me to pray
with them I did so all was calme in town no spirit against me many wish to hear preaching I
next walked to Camden harbour called & took supper with Mr Cobourn Tylor I received no
opposition in Camden at this time I walked to Brother Ebenezer Ames all appeared glad to see me
I then walked to Goose river I here had an unexpected & interesting interview with Brother
Nathaniel Thomas & had the happy privilege of once more striking hands with this faithful saint
we took a walk together to the Simonton district & spent the night with Mr Peasesister Pease
rejoiced to see me return as many had prophesyed that I would never return. Distance 30 miles
~ Friday
3rd I visited Mr Whitley I found sister Whitley strong in the faith. I preached at night in the schoolhouse
and spent the night with Mr William Brown distance of the day 5 miles
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"Journal (January 1, 1838 – December 31, 1839)," July 27, 1838 - August 3, 1838, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 15, 2025, https://2023.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/jVv