& the love of Christ we returned with Brother Foster & spent the night. Mr Willcox of the
city of Phelidelphia offers to open his doors for the Saints & wishes them to come & warn that
people also. Elder Eligah Fordham resides in New York City Cherry Street No 327
~ Monday
May 21st I wrote a letter to the saints upon the Islands directed to Brother Nathaniel Thomas
we dined with Brother Foster & after taking the parting hand with Elder O. Pratt & family & the
Saints in the city, Elder Fordham accompanied us to the North river & there parted with Elder Ball & myself & we went on board the steem boat Hilander bound for Newburg at 5 oclock PM.
we had a view of Stony Point lighthouse as we past along the river we arived at Newburg at 9 oclock
we tarried on board during the night fare 75 cts distance 60 miles
~ Tuesday
22 Left the Highlander & walked through Newburg to Middletown from thence to Westtown we
took supper at Mr John Abers whare we found Sister Elizabeth More an interesting Saint. spent
the night at S. M Cooks Eagle Hotel distance of the day 35 miles
~ Wednesday
23 We spent the day in westtown we dined in company with Sister More at Mr Henry C.
Halsey's a merchant in the place. We held a meeting in the place at early candle light in the
academy, & notwithstanding it was vary rainy we had a full house. I preached to the people
from Gal 1st ch 8 v. I gave out an appointment for preaching the next night. spent the night at the Eagle Tavern
~ Thursday
24 The morning rainy the temporal & spiritual horizon both rather dark we took breakfast at the
tavern & walked to Mr Abers we wrote a Letter to the Saints in Boston we took supper with Stephen
Francisco we met at the Academy according to appointment & we had a crouded congregation I preached
upon the authenticity of the Book of Mormon the Spirit of God rested upon me & I had liberty after meeting
we accompanied Mr Charles W. Reeves home & spent the night with him
~ Friday
25 I wrote a letter to Mrs Woodruff in Scarborough. It was still rainy. We preached in the Acadeymy
at night Elder Ball spoke upon the gospel I followed him. We spent the night with Mr Reevs I was troubled with
sore eyes which was brought upon me by reading & writing by a candlelight
& the love of Christ we returned with Brother Foster & spent the night. Mr Willcox of the
city of Phelidelphia offers to open his doors for the saints & wishes them to come & warn that
people also. Elder Eligah Fordham resides in New York City Cherry Street No 327
~ Monday
May 21st I wrote a letter to the saints upon the Islands directed to Brother Nathaniel Thomas
we dined with Brother Foster & after taking the parting hand with Elder O. Pratt & family & the
Saints in the city, Elder Fordham accompanied us to the north river & there parted with Elder
Ball & myself & we went on board the steem boat Hilander bound for Newburg at 5 oclock PM.
we had a view of Stony Point lighthouse as we past along the river we arived at Newburg at 9 oclock
we tarried on board during the night fare 75 cts distance 60 miles
~ Tuesday
22 Left the Highlander & walked through Newburg to Middletown from thence to Westtown we
took supper at Mr John Abers whare we found sister Elizabeth More an interesting saint. spent
the night at S. M Cooks Eagle Hotel distance of the day 35 miles
~ Wednesday
23 We spent the day in westtown we dined in company with sister More at Mr Henry C.
Halsey's a merchant in the place. We held a meeting in the place at early candle light in the
academy, & not withstanding it was vary rainy we had a full house I preached to the people
from Gal 1st ch 8 v. I gave out an appointment for preaching the next night. spent the night at the Eagle Tavern
~ Thursday
24 The morning rainy the temporal & spiritual horizon both rather dark we took breakfast at the
tavern & walked to Mr Abers we wrote a Letter to the saints in Boston we took supper with Stephen
Francisco we met at the Academy according to appointment & we had a crowded congregation I preached
upon the authenticity of the Book of Mormon the spirit of God rested upon me & I had liberty after meeting
we accompanied Mr Charles W. Reeves home & spent the night with him
~ Friday
25 I wrote a letter to Mrs Woodruff in Scarborough. It was still rainy. we preached in the Academy
at night Elder Ball spoke upon the gospel I followed him. We spent the night with Mr Reevs I was troubled with
sore eyes which was brought upon me by reading & writing by a candlelight
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"Journal (January 1, 1838 – December 31, 1839)," May 20, 1838 - May 25, 1838, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 8, 2025, https://2023.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/koY