JULY 1st 1838. On this seventh month the first day of the month and the first day of the week
which is called Sunday some of the most important events transpired with me that I ever witness-
ed since I had a being, events worthy to be recorded upon the ARCHIEVES OF HEAVEN o or to
be engraven with an iron pen & laid upin a rock forever upon the EARTH. For I know that my Redeemer
liveth & he hath this day given me with my friends a victory over the Devil that tries the souls of men that dwell
upon the face of the earth. My Father Aphek Woodruff, the son of Eldad Woodruff, which was the son of Josiah
Woodruff, is a man that hath been seeking religion & the favor of God & light & truth for many years at times, & for
more than 20 years have a numerous circle of friends made his case a subject of prayer & pled with God in his
behalf. But as oft as my father hath strugled for a victory over sin & its influence heretofore Satan hath temp-
ted him & hindered him from gaining the victory. But since I had be[c]ame a member of the Church of Latter Day Saints &
entered the New & Everlasting Covenant & had a dispensation of the gospel committed unto me, I felt a deeper interest
than ever in the salvation of the soul of my Father. I had now come to declare a message to my father & his houshold
& teach them words whareby they might be saved. I began to cry unto God for my father & his houshold & the Lord
showed me in a night vision that a great victory was nigh, but the devil fell upon the whole household with great
wrath & tempations some of the time one was ready to fall back & rejiect the gospel & then again annother. his
power rested upon me at the same time as if to devour me at once but after being confined to my bed for several
hours under his grasp, in the name of Jesus Christ I with my friends birst the powers of darknes. I went & stood befo
re the people & declaired the gospel of Jesus Christ, & shout O Heavens and rejoice O earth for the victory the Lord
hath given us for after preaching the gospel to the peopl, I immediately assembled upon the bank of Farmington river
whare there was much water & lead six of my friends into the waters of Baptism five of them were my relatives
viz my Father, my Mother, & my ownly Sister Eunice, aunt Anna Cossett, & Cousin Seth Woodruff & the other was
Mr Dwight Webster a methodist class leader. We returned from the water rejoiceing & confirmed them by the laying
on of hands at my fathers house. I organized this small branch of the Church being 9 in number 8 of which were my relatives
I ordained Brother Dwight Webster to the office of a Priest. I communed with these Saints, & unbosomed my feelings unto
them which closed the scenes of this interesting day which have come to pass in fullfilment of my patriarchal blessing under the hands
of the Patriarch JOSEPH
~ Sunday
JULY 1st 1838. On this seventh month the first day of the month and the first day of the week
which is called Sunday some of the most important events transpired with me that I ever witnessed since I had a being, events worthy to be recorded upon the ARCHIEVES OF HEAVEN o or to
be engraven with an iron pen & laid in a rock forever upon the EARTH. For I know that my Redeemer
liveth & he hath this day given me with my friends a victory over the Devil that tries the souls of men that dwell
upon the face of the earth. My Father Aphek Woodruff, the son of Eldad Woodruff, which was the Son of Josiah
Woodruff, is a man that hath been seeking religion & the favor of God & light & truth for many years at times, & for
more than 20 years have a numerous circle of friends made his case a subject of Prayer & pled with God in his
behalf. But as oft as my father hath strugled for a victory over sin & its influence heretofore Satan hath tempted him & hindered him from gaining the victory. But since I had beame a member of the Church of Latter Day Saints &
entered the New & Everlasting Covenant & had a dispensation of the gospel committed unto me, I felt a deeper interest
than ever in the salvation of the soul of my Father. I had now come to declare a message to my father & his houshold
& teach them words whareby they might be saved. I began to cry unto God for my father & his houshold & the Lord
showed me in a night vision that a great victory was nigh, but the devil fell upon the whole household with great
wrath & tempations some of the time one was ready to fall back & reject the gospel & then again annother. his
power rested upon me at the same time as if to devour me at once but after being confined to my bed for several
hours under his grasp, in the name of Jesus Christ I with my friends birst the Powers of darkness. I went & stood before the people & declaired the gospel of Jesus Christ, & shout O Heavens and rejoice O earth for the victory the Lord
hath given us for after preaching the gospel to the peopl, I immediately assembled upon the bank of Farmington river
whare there was much water & lead six of my friends into the waters of Baptism five of them were my relatives
viz my Father, my Mother, & my ownly sister Eunice, aunt Anna Cossett, & Cousin Seth Woodruff & the other was
Mr Dwight Webster a methodist class leader. We returned from the water rejoiceing & confirmed them by the laying
on of hands at my fathers house. I organized this small branch of the church being 9 in number 8 of which were my relatives
I ordained Brother Dwight Webster to the office of a Priest. I communed with these saints & unbosomed my feelings unto
them which closed the scenes of this interesting day which have come to pass in fullfilment of my Patriarchal blessing under the hands
of the Patriarch JOSEPH
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"Journal (January 1, 1838 – December 31, 1839)," July 1, 1838, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 11, 2025, https://2023.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/5E8