truly edefyed to again meet with this Brother. I also found another family of Saints residing in the same
house viz Lucian R. Foster. I spent the remainder of the day conversing with Brother Pratt upon the
things of the kingdom. We met at early candle light in Varrick street to hold a meeting & the congregation
was principly composed of Saints as there had been about one hundred baptized & many of them
were present. Elder Eligah Fordham was with us also. I was called upon to preach to the people
I arose & addressed the Saints & the Spirit of God rested upon me & I was much Edefyed.
The Saints were noble & strong in God. We spent the night with Brother Rogers in Greenwich street
~ Saturday
May 19th I walked to Elder Orson Pratts & took breakfast with Brother Foster. I prepared 1 doz of Parley's
Pamphlets & forwarded them to our friends abroad. I had a plesent walk with Elders O. Pratt
& E. Fordham. I also visited Mr Pratt & his family a native of Englang but had now become a citizen
of N Y his wife & daughter were Saints & both sick we prayed with them & la^i^d hands upon them
& they receieved a blessing. They reside in Watts street.
We purchased a card of Gillotts steel pens
represented as being the best in use. We next visited Brother Parker in King street No 327, we then
returned to Br Fosters in Hamersly street No 26. I accompanied Brother & Sister Foster in the
evening to market & it was a peculiar scene to me. It put me in mind of the merchannddize
of Babylon that the Revelator John spoke of. [Revelation 18] The market was one universal mass of human
beings crowded together perchasing food from the maket which contained every variety of
both meet, fish & vegitable. The scenery was interesting to pass through the streets which was
Illuminated for miles by gas & other lights I returned with Brother Foster & spent the night distance of the day 6 m
~ Sunday
20th Sunday I accuompanied the Brethren to the place of meeting in Varick street between Vandall
& Carlton which is the stated place of Preaching for the Saints. Elder Pratt called upon me to preach
to the people I arose & spoke to them from the parable of the olive tree byin the Book of Mormon
by the Prophet Zenas the spirit of God rested upon us. [Jacob 5] At noon we dined with Brother Harderbrook in Carlton street. Brother David W. Rogers dined with us. Brother Rogers was an interesting
man he had been a Methodist for several years but had been looking for greater things than the
truly edefyed to again meet with this Brother. I also found another family of saints residing in the same
house viz Lucian R. Foster. I spent the remainder of the day conversing with Brother Pratt upon the
things of the kingdom. We met at early candle light in Varrick street to hold a meeting & the congregation
was principly composed of saints as there had been about one hundred baptized & many of them
were present. Elder Eligah Fordham was with us also. I was called upon to preach to the people
I arose & addressed the saints & the spirit of God rested upon me & I was much Edefyed.
The saints were noble & strong in God. We spent the night with Brother Rogers in Greenwich street
~ Saturday
May 19th I walked to Elder Orson Pratts & took breakfast with Brother Foster. I prepared 1 doz of Parley's
Pamphlets & forwarded them to our friends abroad. I had a plesent walk with Elders O. Pratt
& E. Fordham. I also visited Mr Pratt & his family a native of Englang but had now become a citizen
of NY his wife & daughter were saints & both sick we prayed with them & laid hands upon them
& they receieved a blessing. They reside in Watts street. We purchased a card of Gillotts steel pens
represented as being the best in use. We next visited Brother Parker in King Street No 327. we then
returned to Br Fosters in Hamersly Street No 26. I accompanied Brother & Sister Foster in the
evening to market & it was a peculiar scene to me. It put me in mind of the merchandize
of Babylon that the Revelator John spoke of. The market was one universal mass of human
beings crowded together perchasing food from the market which contained every variety of
both meet, fish & vegitable. The scenery was interesting to pass through the streets which was
illuminated for miles by gas & other lights I returned with Brother Foster & spent the night distance of the day 6 m
~ Sunday
20th Sunday I accumpanied the Brethren to the place of meeting in Varick street between Vandall
& Carlton which is the stated place of Preaching for the saints. Elder Pratt called upon me to preach
to the people I arose & spoke to them from the parable of the olive tree in the Book of Mormon
by the Prophet Zenas the spirit of God rested upon us. At noon we dined with Brother
Harderbrook in Carlton street. Brother David W. Rogers dined with us. Brother Rogers was an interesting
man he had been a Methodist for several years but had been looking for greater things than the
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"Journal (January 1, 1838 – December 31, 1839)," May 18, 1838 - May 20, 1838, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025,