7 I took the parting hand with Mrs Woodruff & Father Carter & family & left in company with
Elder Milton Holmes we travled to Saco 5 miles, to Kenebunk 9, to Wells 4, to York 13, then proceded
4 miles further & spent the night. Distance of the day 35 miles
~ Tuesday
8th We walked to the navy yard at Portsmouth N. H. & spent several hours visiting it which was an interes-
ting sight we had a view of the war ships, the cannon, the balls, the shot &c we visited one frigate of 60
guns & one ship a man of war of 120 guns. I paced her upper deck & found her to be 14 rods in length &
3 rods in wedth at midship & about 90 feet in hight we also visited the building containing her spars & rig-
ging. I should judge her anchors would weigh two tons each. O how many inventions man hath sought out
to shed the blood of his fellow man. We then walked to Newburyport (Essex County) ^{[illegible shorthand]}^ Massachusetts 20 miles
from thence to Georgetown formerly New Rowley Essex County Mass & spent the night at father Nathaniel Holmes 35 m[iles]
~ Wednesday
9th We walked to Rowley to Mr Burbanks I theire perused a letter from Viana Jaques from the city far west it
contained many important things concerning the Saints. We returned to Br Holmes & had an interview with
Elder Joseph Ball. We spent the night at father Holmes. Distance 4 miles
~ Thursday
10th I took the parting hand with Milton, father Holmes & family & walked in company with Elder Ball to Salem pop[ulation]
15000 17 miles after visiting this town whare numbers were executed after being accused of witchery this
in the early days of the settlement, we then walked to Lynn 5 miles pop 10000 we spent the night with Mr John Alley we had an interesting time together he conversed freely with me & wished laike a father to give me some
advisce which he did & it met a welcome reception which was as follows, to always keep the outward as well
as the inward form in the spirit of God & to be dictated & approbated of him in all that we do. Distance 22 mile
~ Friday
11th[FIGURE]{[remember]} This is a day to be remembered by me because of the great variety of events that transpired with
me, no day of my life was ever attended with more of a change of circumstances & places which my
eyes beheld & ears herd & heart felt than on this day. I arose in the morning refreshed by sleep & took breakfast
~ Saturday
May 5 We rode to sister Sarah Foss walked from thence to father Carter's & spent the night 10 miles
7 I took the parting hand with Mrs Woodruff & Father Carter & family & left in company with
Elder Milton Holmes we travled to Saco 5 miles, to Kenebunk 9, to Wells 4, to York 13, then proceeded
4 miles further & spent the night. Distance of the day 35 miles
~ Tuesday
8th We walked to the navyyard at Portsmouth N.H. & spent several hours visiting it which was an interes
ting sight we had a view of the war ships, the cannon, the balls, the shot &c we visited one frigate of 60
guns & one ship a man of war of 120 guns. I paced her upper deck & found her to be 14 rods in length &
3 rods in wedth at midship & about 90 feet in hight we also visited the building containing her spars & rigging I should judge her anchors would weigh two tons each. O how many inventions man hath sought out
to shed the blood of his fellow man. We then walked to Newburyport (Essex County) {2 illegible words} Massachusetts 20 miles
from thence to Georgetown formerly New Rowley Essex County Mass & spent the night at father Nathaniel Holmes 35 miles
~ Wednesday
9th We walked to Rowley to Mr Burbanks I there perused a letter from Viana Jaques from the city far west it
contained many important things concerning the Saints. We returned to Br Holmes & had an interview with
Elder Joseph Ball we spent the night at father Holmes. Distance 4 miles
~ Thursday
10th I took the parting hand with Milton father Holmes & family & walked in company with Elder Ball to Salem pop
15000 17 miles after visiting this town whare numbers were executed after being accused of witchery this
in the early days of the settlement, we then walked to Lynn 5 miles pop 10000 we spent the night with Mr
John Alley we had an interesting time together he conversed freely with me & wished like a father to give me some
advise which he did & it met a welcome reception which was as follows, to always keep the outward as well
as the inward form in the spirit of God & to be dictated & approbated of him in all that we do. Distance 22 mile
~ Friday
11th [FIGURE] This is a day to be remembered by me because of the great variety of events that transpired with
me, no day of my life was ever attended with more of a change of circumstances & places which my
eyes beheld & ears herd & heart felt than on this day. I arose in the morning refreshed by sleep & took breakfast
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"Journal (January 1, 1838 – December 31, 1839)," May 5, 1838 - May 11, 1838, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025, https://2023.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/60Q