endeavour day by day to sense
the importance of my calling. It
is very often the case that people
look with envy upon those men
who act as embassadors for a temporal
governments, sutch as the US Minister
to England, but I look upon it as
a much greater honor to represent to the kingdom of God and "I would
not exchange my station for the
thone of England's Queen" There is
qute a bitter feeling manifested here
betwen the Catholics and Protesta-
nts it is amusing as well as
significant to hear them impu-
gning ea[ch] other's religon, and waring
jaring Christianity is truly a spectacle
endeavour day by day to sense
the importance of my calling. It
is very often the case that people
look with envy upon those men
who act as embassadors for a temporal
governments, sutch as the US Minister
to England, but I look upon it as
a much greater honor to represent
the kingdom of God and "I would
not exchange my station for the
thone of England's Queen" There is
qute a bitter feeling manifested here
betwen the Catholics and Protestants it is amusing as well as
significant to hear them impugning each other's religon, and waring
jaring Christianity is truly a spectacle
"Letter from Asahel Hart Woodruff, 2 February 1885," p. 4, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 14, 2025, https://2023.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/PrM2