Saturday Evening Sept 17, 1870 Martin Harris one of
the witnesses of the Book of Mormon came to the Endo[wme]nt
House & Edward Stephenson rebaptized him into the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Orson
PrattJohn Taylor, W. Woodruff & Joseph F Smith confirmed
him He was Baptized for several Dead Friends
23rd I spent the day choring at home & the night at the farm
~ Saturday
24. I received 3 letters from Azmon & Bee man I drew
2 loads of corn in the morning commencing ploughing in spencers lot
attended the school of the prophets a lecture on faith was
read & short speeches maid from Many I spoke a short
time while speaking G. A. Smith came in & followed me & gave
an Account of a raid made upon the city of Provo by
some 25 Drunken U. S. soldiers they broke in the doors & windows
of several Houses & tried to burn the Meeting House took several
citizens prisioners & mistreated them President Y[ou]ng &
company returned home to day
~ Sunday
25 Sunday I attended the funeral of Sister Turnbow J Taylor spoke, I followed him. I attended Meeting in the Tabernacle Many strangers were present. D. H. Wells spoke
44 Minutes, & President Young spoke 61 Minutes Afternoon
Mr J. W. Low a Cambelite spoke some 20 Minutes John
Taylor spoke 57 Minutes at the close of the Meeting I met
with the Presidency & Twelve for Prayer & on our return to the Presidents Office we Met with Mr Green the President
of the Bank of England we held half an hour conversa-
tion with him He had attended Meeting thrugh the day. I wrote a letter to Azmon Woodruff.
~ Monday
Sept 19 1870
I attended the Endowment House we gave Endowments to
28 persons W Woodruff sealed 37 couple
23rd I spent the day choreing at home & the night at the farm
~ Saturday
24. [FIGURE] I received 3 letters from Azmom & Bee man I drew
2 loads of corn in the morning commencing ploughing in spencers lot
attended the school of the prophets a lecture on faith was
read & short speeches maid from Many I spoke a short
time while speaking G. A. Smith came in & followed me & gave
an Account of a raid made upon the City of Provo by
some 25 Drunken U. S. soldiers they broke in the doors & windows
of several Houses & tried to burn the Meeting House took several
citizens prisioners & mistreated them. President Young &
company returned home to day
~ Sunday
25 Sunday I attended the funeral of Sister TurnbowJ Taylor spoke. I followed him. I attended Meeting in the
Tabernacle Many strangers were present. D. H. Wells spoke
44 Minutes & President Young spoke 61 Minutes. Afternoon
Mr J. W. Low a Cambelite spoke some 20 Minutes. John
Taylor spoke 57 Minutes at the close of the Meeting I met
with the Presidency & Twelve for Prayer & on our return to the
Presidents Office we Met with Mr Green the Presidet
of the Bank of England we held half an hour conversation with him He had attended Meeting through the day.
[FIGURE] I wrote a letter to Azmon Woodruff.
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," September 19, 1870 - September 25, 1870, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 14, 2025,