Be sure we will do all we can for you, you are of us; we are all one
body in Christ; we have one Lord; we all drink at the same fountain; we
are all looking for redemption through the only name given under heaven
whence comes salvation. Now that our faith is one and our hope the same,
let us seek to be filled with the love of God. Let us always seek
profitable conversations, leaving mysteries alone. Read the scriptures
dfor they are profitable to us for instruction. And more particularly
let us seek for the possession of the Spirit ogf God to be our guide and
to increase our testimonies. Do not discuss the time of the coming of
Christ in an unprofitable manner. There is a time appointed, and God
only knows it. He has not revealed it. But the appointed time will
surely come long before most people are prepared. This we know, it is
not far distant, for the signs of his coming are now very plain. But
there is yet much to do to prepare for his coming that great event. Many
of the honest have not yet heard of His great Latter-day work. Zion must
be fully established. must be rebuilt by the Jews, the ten
tribes must return from the north, the American Indians, who are of the
house of Israel must be converted and become workers in His cause. And
many more of the different branches of the House of Israel must return
to the promised lands and be prepared to meet Him and to receive Him. FRoor
He will be their King when He comes. God's words must all be fulfilled
and we must wait patiently and labor in the fear of God that we may be
with His holy company when He comes. For hHe Wwill come in the clouds
and save His saints while His angels will reap the earth and cleanse it fr
from sin.
Brother , who is , is a faithful and humble member
of the church. He has a great desire to do good. His whole soul is
laboring to do you good, and when he has learned the English language he
will return to you and be instrumental in doing much good, if he remains
faithful. He has given us much comfort concerning the saints in
and his labors here in Zion in your behalf will be of great benefit to
you in time to come.
Your Brethren in the Gospel,
Wilford Woodruff
Be sure we will do all we can for you, you are of us; we are all one
body in Christ; we have one Lord; we all drink at the same fountain; we
are all looking for redemption through the only name given under heaven
whence comes salvation. Now that our faith is one and our hope the same,
let us seek to be filled with the love of God. Let us always seek
profitable conversations, leaving mysteries alone. Read the scriptures
for they are profitable to us for instruction. And more particularly
let us seek for the possession of the Spirit of God to be our guide and
to increase our testimonies. Do not discuss the time of the coming of
Christ in an unprofitable manner. There is a time appointed, and God
only knows it. He has not revealed it. But the appointed time will
surely come long before most people are prepared. This we know, it is
not far distant, for the signs of his coming are now very plain. But
there is yet much to do to prepare for that great event. Many
of the honest have not yet heard of His great Latter-day work. Zion must
be fully established. must be rebuilt by the Jews, the ten
tribes must return from the north, the American Indians, who are of the
house of Israel must be converted and become workers in His cause. And
many more of the different branches of the House of Israel must return
to the promised lands and be prepared to meet Him and to receive Him. For
He will be their King when He comes. God's words must all be fulfilled
and we must wait patiently and labor in the fear of God that we may be
with His holy company when He comes. ForHewill come in the clouds
and save His saints while His angels will reap the earth and cleanse itr
from sin.
Brother , who is , is a faithful and humble member
of the church. He has a great desire to do good. His whole soul is
laboring to do you good, and when he has learned the English language he
will return to you and be instrumental in doing much good, if he remains
faithful. He has given us much comfort concerning the saints in
and his labors here in Zion in your behalf will be of great benefit to
you in time to come.
Your Brethren in the Gospel,
Wilford Woodruff