kept by a Mr Jerrew, we asked the minister to direct us there. He gave us directi
^directions^ the Spirit said to me that he was decieving us, directeing us wrong, I asked the question
3 times over & he declaired he was telling us the truth we followed his direction
& it led us into the Osage River swamp where we were lost in the darkness of
the night ^we undertook to follow the river but it being about the crookedest one in earth America we made but slow progress^ ^and^ after travelling through mud & water for one hour we concluded to go
out onto the open prairie & lide lie down in the grass untill morning but when we got
out into the prairie we h[e]ard the Osage Indians drum & shout at the trading house
as they were having a powwow we followed by the sound, & went into
their midst * ^*as we approached we were met by a dozen large savage looking dogs they smelt of us in a friendly manner^ ^but did not try to bite nor bark we arrived about midnight, covered with mud hungry and weary^ we were kindly received by Mr Jerrew fed & lodged for the night
Mr Jerrew gave us a good breakfast set us across the Osage River
^(see paper apart 2nd page 10)^
in a canoe & was started upon our long days walk it being 60 miles to the
nearest house in the direction we were going ^and we had not a morsel of anything with us to eat^ Most of our travels through the day was
through prairie before dark we entered timber timber land as we were approaching
the timber a large black bear came out of the timber & met us we had
no weapons but a small pistol but as the bear got within about 6 rods of us he
rose upon his hind feet & examined us a short time & turned & went off
another course we travelled on as fastas we could we were soon invelloped in
so thick darkness it was with great difficulty that we could keep the road we were
soon surrounded with a large drove of wolves who ^that^ kept up a continual howling
& would freequently rush upon us & come up within a few feet of us we travelled
about one two hours in this situation feeling that we were in danger we concluded
to stop & build a fire & wait till morning. Accordingly we built a large
fire which drove the wolves of & as we were about to lie down we h[e]ard
a dog bark & also a bell, we found we were near a house we took
each of us a brand of fire & in going about one quarter of a mile we
found a ^log hut about 12 feet square^ house occupied by one Mr. Williams who was in Jackson County during the
mobing of the Saints, & he had lately moved to this place depending upon his gun mostly for
his living it being 60 miles to a house on the north of him, & 12 miles on the south
He and his family was living in a small old log house ^hut^ about 12 feet square & one
bed in the room upon which lay his wife several children & 3 young dogs. He lay
stretched out upon the ^bare^ floor with his feet to a small fire there was no door to
the house but a ragged quilt hung up in the door way, it was past 11 oclock at
night I turned away the quilt looked into the house every thing was in sound sleep
I spoke 3 times no one stired not even a dog, I walked in & laid my hand upon
the mans shoulder the mo & spoke to him the moment he felt the wait of
my hand he leaped to his feet & commenced running around the room leaping as high
we asked the minister to direct us there. He gave us
directions the Spirit said to me that he was decieving us, directeing us wrong, I asked the question
3 times & he declaired he was telling us the truth we followed his direction
& it led us into the Osage River swamp where we were lost in the darkness of
the night we undertook to follow the river but it being about the crookedest one in America we made but slow progress after travelling through mud & water for one hour we concluded to go
out onto the open prairie & lie down in the grass untill morning but when we got
out into the prairie we heard the Osage Indians drum & shout at the trading house
as they were having a powwow we followed by the sound, & went into
their midst * *as we approached we were met by a dozen large savage looking dogs they smelt of us in a friendly manner but did not try to bite nor bark we arrived about midnight, covered with mud hungry and weary
Mr Jerrew gave us a good breakfast set us across the Osage River
(see paper apart 2nd page 10)
in a canoe & was started upon our long days walk it being 60 miles to the
nearest house and we had not a morsel of anything with us to eat Most of our travels through the day was
through prairie before dark we entered timber land as we were approaching
the timber a large black bear came out of the timber & met us we had
no weapons but a small pistol but as the bear got within about 6 rods of us he
rose upon his hind feet & examined us a short time & turned & went off
another course we were soon invelloped in
so thick darkness it was with great difficulty that we could keep the road we were
soon surrounded with a large drove of wolves that kept up a continual howling
& would freequently rush upon us & come up within a few feet of us we travelled
about two hours in this situation feeling that we were in danger we concluded
to stop & build a fire & wait till morning. Accordingly we built a large
fire which drove the wolves of & as we were about to lie down we heard
a dog bark & also a bell, we found we were near a house we took
each of us a brand of fire & in going about one quarter of a mile we
found a log hut occupied by one Mr. Williams who was in Jackson County during the
mobing of the Saints, & he had lately moved to this place depending upon his gun mostly for
his living it being 60 miles to a house on the north of him, & 12 miles on the south
He and his family was living in a small old log hut about 12 feet square & one
bed in the room upon which lay his wife several children & 3 young dogs. He lay
stretched out upon the bare floor with his feet to a small fire there was no door to
the house but a ragged quilt hung up in the door way, it was past 11 oclock at
night I turned away the quilt looked into the house every thing was in sound sleep
I spoke 3 times no one stired not even a dog, I walked in & laid my hand upon
the mans shoulder & spoke to him the moment he felt the wait of
my hand he leaped to his feet & commenced running around the room leaping as high
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