^Had authority^ to administer in the ordinances of the House of the Lord but believed that it was our
privilege through faith, prayer, & fasting to heal the sick, & cast out devils by the laying on of
hands which was the case under his administration as numbers could testify.
I was living in this state of mind & in this faith & belief looking for the coming forth of
the Church of Christ when I heard of what was called Mormonism. In 1832 I
was loudly called upon by the spirit of the Lord to go to the state of Rhode Islandone of
my brother ^Asahel^ was also called to go to the same place & at the same time when we met
we both told our feelings & what the spirit of the Lord had whispered unto us & we marvelled
& wondered what the Lord wanted of us in Rhode Island, but as we had made preparations
to move to the west we let outward circumstances controll us, and like Jonah instead of going to Ninivah went to Tarshis, so we instead of going to Rhode Island went to Richland Oswego County
N. York, and there remained until the before I heard a gospel sermon
by a latter day saint. I then soon learned what the Lord wanted of us in Rhode Island
for at the time we were commanded ^warned^ of the Lord to go there, two of the Elders of the Latter day
Saints were preaching there & had we gone we certainly should have embraced the
work at that time, but as it was we had to wait for the next call
On the 29th day of Dec 1833, Elder Zera Pulsipher & Elijah Cheeny called
at my house & gave out an appointment for preaching in the school house in that neighborhood that sa[m]e evening I attended as did my brother Azmon Woodruff
We both believed, invited the Elders to our home & offered ourselves
for baptism the first sermon we heard. We read the Book of Mormon
& had a testimony that it was true. And on the I was
baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saintsunder the hands of ^by^ Elder Zera Pulsipher & confirmed the same evening under his hands
On the I was ordained to the office of a teacher
& my eldest brother Azmon Woodruff an Elder & a small branch organized
of 12 members all under the hands of ^by^ Elder Pulsipher. In the month of February
I walked in company with Elder Holton some 60 miles to the town of Fabeus to attend
an evening meeting of the Saints in that place where Elder Pulsipher was presiding. here ^I^ saw for the first time the Book of Commandments or revelations given through Joseph Smith and I believed them with all my heart & rejoiced therein & after
spending two days with them we returned home rejoicing several days with them &
holding several meetings we returned home rejoicing. During the winter we were visited by
several of the Elders among whom ^was^ Elder Harry Brownin February. He again called upon
us about the accompanied by Elder Parley P. Prattit being the first
Had authority to administer in the ordinances of the House of the Lord but believed that it was our
privilege through faith, prayer, & fasting to heal the sick, & cast out devils by the laying on of
hands which was the case under his administration as numbers could testify.
I was living in this state of mind looking for the coming forth of
the Church of Christ when I heard of what was called Mormonism. In 1832 I
was called upon by the spirit of the Lord to go to the state of Rhode Island
my brother Asahel was also called to go to the same place & at the same time when we met
we both told our feelings & what the spirit of the Lord had whispered unto us & we marvelled
& wondered what the Lord wanted of us in Rhode Island, but as we had made preparations
to move to the west we let outward circumstances controll us, and like Jonah instead of going to
Ninivah went to Tarshis, so we instead of going to Rhode Island went to Richland Oswego County
N. York, and there remained until the before I heard a gospel sermon
by a latter day saint. I then learned what the Lord wanted of us in Rhode Island
for at the time we were warned of the Lord to go there, two of the Elders of the Latter day
Saints were preaching there & had we gone we certainly should have embraced the
work at that time, but as it was we had to wait for the next call
On the 29th day of Dec 1833, Elder Zera Pulsipher & Elijah Cheeny called
at my house & gave out an appointment for preaching in the school house
I attended as did my brother Azmon
We believed, invited the Elders to our home & offered ourselves
for baptism the first sermon we heard. We read the Book of Mormon
& had a testimony that it was true. on the I was
baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
by Elder Zera Pulsipher & confirmed the same evening
On the I was ordained to the office of a teacher
& my eldest brother Azmon an Elder & a small branch organized
of 12 members by Elder Pulsipher. In the month of February
I walked in company with Elder Holton some 60 miles to the town of Fabeus to attend
an evening meeting of the Saints in that place where Elder Pulsipher was presiding.
I saw the Book of Commandments or revelations given through
Joseph Smith and I believed them with all my heart & rejoiced therein & after
spending several days with them &
holding several meetings we returned home rejoicing. During the winter we were visited by
several of the Elders among whom was Elder Harry Brown. He again called upon
us about the accompanied by Elder Parley P. Pratt
Select a date to see more documents from that day.