this created a great wailing & mourning with his famil, Brother Brown
& myself assisted the family in laying him out & burying him. He died
on the & we buried him on the . This clo singular
dispensation of providence brought solemnity upon the people & they began to reflect &
wished to hear preaching, we held several meetings & preached to the people we
baptized a Mr Hubbel & his wife aged people who had opened their doors
& given us a home & just as we had got the people prepared to receive
the Gospel & anxious to learn & pleading with us to stay & preach, Brother Brown resolved that he would continue his journey south. I was fully satisfied
that should we stop we should build up a Church, & I was convinced it was
our duty to stop but Brother Brown held the office of an Elder I a priest
& we were travelling together upon a mission, & I felt that I must subject
to those over me in the priesthood, so I submitted. This is an error which
many have committed in this Church who were sent as missionaries to the
world, as soon as they get doors open & a people prepared to receive the gospel
they go away & leave them we left this people with tears in their eyes we left
& Brother Brown did not baptize another person during his whole southern
mission we left them on the went upon the bank of
the Arkansas River cut down a large cotton wood tree dug out a canoe
4 feet wide 12 feet long put on a pair of oars & rowed down the Arkansas
River 125 miles to Little Rockgeting ^beging^ our food by the way a meal at a time
as we had an opportunity, after visiting Little Rock we tied up our canoe ^travelled down the river 10 miles^ on
below Little Rock & tied up our canoe on the East Bank & stoped with a Mr Jones
preached next day at his house on the left our canoe with Mr Jones walked back
^the East Bank of the Arkansas River& started on foot to ward & wade the Mississippi^
^Swamp to Memphis Tennessee we travelled on the old military road it was over 200 miles the way we travelled ^up the river 10 miles took the old^ ^the road^ & almost the whole distance was knee deep in mud & water up the river 10 miles opposite Little Rock & took the old military
road & started to waid the missippi swamp which was mostly covered with
water from Little Rock Arkansas to Memphis Tennessee, a distance of
about 175 miles, we waided through mud & water knee deep day after day & in some instances
40 miles per day before we could get a stoping place. On the while in the
swamp I had an attack of the rheumatism & could not travel but slow
My companion Brother Brown had got in a hurry & wished to hasten to
the MissippiRiver take boat close up his mission, take boat & return
to his family in Kirtland, & as I could not travel as fast as he
wished so we parted to meet no more for about 3 years he left me siting on
a log in the mud & water I being lame & unable to walk & no food & 12 miles to the
this created a great wailing & mourning with his famil, Brother Brown
& myself assisted in laying him out & burying him. He died
on the
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