His on his side was a
Jew. has always been religiously inclined
and educated in the Catholic Church speaks
French, Latin and is an organist, educated
to be a physician. He was assistant organist
at a Catholic Church. Of late he has been
dissatisfied with the Catholic Church and
had some interviews with a popular
protestant evangelist, but was disgusted
with the Come to Jesus declarations of this
gentleman and concluded the Catholic
Church was better than that. It happened
that the Priest of the Church where bro
was assistant organist saw him walking
with and in conversation with the Evan-
gelist, and one evening after vespers when
Bro P had been playing, the organist being
absent, the priest came to him and asked
him what he was talking to the evangelist
for, and Bro Phillips told him he was in-
quiring into his faith and principles. The
Priest sharply reprimanded him and
Bro P. defended himself and told the priest
he was far from being satisfied with the Catho-
lic Church. This added fuel to the fire, he was
told that to doubt was to be damned &c and en-
ded by cursing him and discharging him