we finally concludied to climb a High Mountain or Bluff
with our Horses which we accomplished with great Difficulty
when at the summit we were in sight of the High ridges
bordering upon Brother Davis Mill this caused us to rejoice
we all mounted our Horses & rode down the steep Bluffs
to the Mill all vary weary both Man & Beast Sister Davis
got us a warm supper we dryied ourselves by a camp
fire and made our beds upon the ground & went to sleep
& felt thankful that we and our Animals were alive
and Not crippled distance of the day 15 Miles
~ Saturday
26 We returned to Ashley to day and found the
family all well 20 Miles
~ Sunday
27. Sunday I spent the day reading the Deseret News
30. I spent the day at Brother Glines reading Emma is
quite Poorly with Newralgie of the heart has suffered for
10 days with it Bishop Glines & myself administered to her
~ Thursday
July 1. I spent the day reading
~ Friday
2. I spent this day reading and in the Evening we returned
to Henrys and spent the night 3 Miles
4 I spent the day reading the rest attended the 4 July
June 25 1886
we finally concludied to climb a High Mountain or Bluff
with our Horses which we accomplished with great Difficulty
when at the summit we were in sight of the High ridges
bordering upon Brother Davis Mill this caused us to rejoice
we all mounted our Horses & rode down the steep Bluffs
to the Mill all vary weary both Man & Beast Sister Davis
got us a warm supper we dried ourselves by a camp
fire and made our beds upon the ground & went to sleep
& felt thankful that we and our Animals were alive
and Not crippled distance of the day 15 Miles
~ Saturday
26 We returned to Ashley to day and found the
family all well 20 Miles
~ Sunday
27. Sunday I spent the day reading the Deseret News
30. I spent the day at Brother Glines Reading Emma is
quite Poorly with Newralgie of the heart has suffered for
10 days with it. Bishop Glines & myself administered to her
~ Thursday
July 1. I spent the day reading
~ Friday
2. I spent this day reading and in the Evening we returned
to Henrys and spent the night 3 Mils
"Journal (January 1886 – December 1892)," June 25, 1886 - July 4, 1886, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 12, 2025, https://2023.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/nRDY