For the first time in my life I was
called before the Master in chancery to
testify upon the principal of Poligamy all of which
was published in the Daily papers President George Q Cannon testifyed upon the property
of the Church
~ Tuesday
Oct 20. G. Q CannonJ F SmithL Snow & Anthone Lund went to cort to Testify upon
the Principal of Poligamy I signed 52 Recom-
mends I received 14 Letters I signed 4 cirtificats
wrote to Lucy Smith. G. Q. Cannon J. F. Smith L Snow
A. H. Lund all testified before the Master in chauncery
upon the subject of Poligamy & church property
~ Wednesday
21. I signed 15 Recommends I received 6 Letters I
Met with Br Hammand I met with the bank
Board I wrote to Sarah & Mary
~ Thursday
22 I signed 34 Recommends I received 18 Letters
we met with the Twelve & had Prayers we
met with quite a Number of parties
~ Friday
23 In company with many others including my wife Emma I took cars & rode to Lehi to visit the sugar
works it was vary interesting it took us several hours to go through the works first we visited
the store houses whare the new beets were stored
there were 3 sheds 500 feet long filled with Beets
& room for 2 more there was a canal runing in
the Middle of the sheds with runing water whare
the Beets were flung in & washed in the curant
FIGURES For the first time in my life I was
called before the Master in chancery to
testify upon the principal of Poligamy all of which
was published in the Daily papers President
George Q Cannon testifyed upon the property
of the Church
~ Tuesday
Oct 20. G. Q CannonJ F SmithL Snow &
Anthone Lund went to cort to Testify upon
the Principal of Poligamy I signed 52 Recommends I received 14 Letters I signed 4 cirtificats
wrote to Lucy Smith. G. Q. Cannon J. F. Smith L Snow
A. H. Lund all testified before the Master in chauncery
upon the subject of Poligamy & church property
~ Wednesday
21. I signed 15 Recommends I received 6 Letters I
Met with Br Hammand I met with the bank
Board I wrote to Sarah & Mary
~ Thursday
22 I signed 34 Recommends I received 18 Letters
we met with the Twelve & had Prayers we
met with quite a Number of parties
~ Friday
23 In company with many others including my wife
Emma I took cars & rode to Lehi to visit the sugar
works it was vary interesting it took us several
[FIGURE] hours to go through the works first we visited
the store houses whare the new beets were stored
there were 3 sheds 500 feet long filled with Beets
& room for 2 more there was a canal runing in
the Middle of the sheds with runing water whare
the Beets were flung in & washed in the curant
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1886 – December 1892)," October 19, 1891 - October 23, 1891, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 11, 2025,