Sir; a fiew days since, Prest. Joseph Smith Jr. and somone others ware
assembled togeather to attend to some church
business, when it was thaught proper to select
those who ware designed of the Lord to
fill the places of those of the twelve who
had fallen; mainely Wm. E McLellin, Lyman E.
Johnson, Luke Johnson, and John F. Bointon.
The persons selected were John E. Page, John
Taylor, Wilford Woodruff and Willard Richar-
ds. On the following day five of the twelve
with President Rigdon and some others met
and resolved that President Rigdon
write to Br. Richards, Who is now in England, and inform him of his appoint-
ment, and that P. P. Pratt write to Orson Pratt and inform him that
the Lord had commanded that the 12
assemble in this place as soon as possible.
and that I should write to yourself.
Know then, by this br Woodruff that you
are appointed to fill the place of one
of the twelve apostles; and that it is
agreable to the word of the Lord, given
very lately that you should come
spedily to Farwest.
And on the 26 of April next to take
your leave of the saints here and
depart for other climes acrost the
mighty deep!
PS. Bring all the Subscribers you
can and come with speed
T. B. Marsh
Elder W. Woodruff.
Sir; a fiew days since, Prest.
Joseph Smith Jr. and somone others ware
assembled togeather to attend to some church
business, when it was thaught proper to select
those who ware designed of the Lord to
fill the places of those of the twelve who
had fallen; mainely Wm. E McLellin, Lyman E.
Johnson, Luke Johnson, and John F. Bointon.
The persons selected were John E. Page, John
Taylor, Wilford Woodruff and Willard Richards. On the following day five of the twelve
with President Rigdon and some others met
and resolved that President Rigdon
write to Br. Richards, Who is now in
England, and inform him of his appointment, and that P. P. Pratt write to
Orson Pratt and inform him that
the Lord had commanded that the 12
assemble in this place as soon as possible.
and that I should write to yourself.
Know then, by this br Woodruff that you
are appointed to fill the place of one
of the twelve apostles; and that it is
agreable to the word of the Lord, given
very lately that you should come
spedily to Farwest.
And on the 26 of April next to take
your leave of the saints here and
depart for other climes acrost the
mighty deep!
"Letter from Thomas Baldwin Marsh, 14 July 1838," p. 1, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 10, 2025,