Administered unto 120 Sick persons
by prayer laying on of hands
and anointing in many instances the sick
were healed, the lame walked & Devils
were cast out
Assisted in procuring £1000 Pounds
Sterling, for printing the Millennia Star
3000 copies of the Latter Day Saints
Hymns, 5000 copies of the Book of
Mormon, & to Assist 200 Saints
to Emegrate to America & gather with
their Brethren At Nauvoo & Iowa
Wrote 200 Letters
Received 112 Letters
I had 4 mobs came a 4 Mobs
against me
Blessed 120 Children
Administered unto 120 sick persons
by Prayer laying on of hands
and anointing in many instances the sick
were healed, the lame walked & Devils
were cast out
Assisted in Procuring £1,000 Pounds
sterling, for Printing the Millennia Star
3,000 copies of the Latter Day Saints
Hymns, 5,000 copies of the Book of
Mormon, & to Assist 200 Saints
to Emegrate to America & gather with
their Brethren At Nauvoo & Iowa
Wrote 200 Letters
Received 112 Letters
I had 4 mobs came a 4 Mobs
against me
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1840 – December 31, 1840)," December 31, 1840, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 15, 2025,